
Showing posts from March, 2015

Interview with a friend of mine.

Interview with a friend of mine.

#health   #startup   #discoveringhands

#robotics #artificialintelligence

#robotics   #artificialintelligence  

Originally shared by michael barth

n the coming years our relationships with robots will become ever more complex. But already a recurring pattern is emerging. No matter what your current job or your salary, you will progress through these Seven Stages of Robot Replacement, again and again:

1. A robot/computer cannot possibly do the tasks I do.


2. OK, it can do a lot of them, but it can’t do everything I do.


3. OK, it can do everything I do, except it needs me when it breaks down, which is often.


4. OK, it operates flawlessly on routine stuff, but I need to train it for new tasks.


5. OK, it can have my old boring job, because it’s obvious that was not a job that humans were meant to do.


6. Wow, now that robots are doing my old job, my new job is much more fun and pays more!


7. I am so glad a robot/computer cannot possibly do what I do now.

This is not a race against the machines. If we race against them, we lose. This is a race with the machines. You’ll be paid in the future based on how well you work with robots. Ninety percent of your coworkers will be unseen machines. Most of what you do will not be possible without them. And there will be a blurry line between what you do and what they do. You might no longer think of it as a job, at least at first, because anything that seems like drudgery will be done by robots.

We need to let robots take over. They will do jobs we have been doing, and do them much better than we can. They will do jobs we can’t do at all. They will do jobs we never imagined even needed to be done. And they will help us discover new jobs for ourselves, new tasks that expand who we are. They will let us focus on becoming more human than we were.

Let the robots take the jobs, and let them help us dream up new work that matters

#health #spicyfood

#health   #spicyfood  

Originally shared by Bio E

Certain spices help keep us slim.
Because fat is challenging to digest, it makes me bloated. Spices, especially ginger and curcumin, help you digest fat, which makes my job a little easier. A 2011 study showed that spices stimulate the body to secrete more bile and also promote activity in the pancreas, both of which are required for breaking down fat.
According to the research, spicy foods do play a small but relatively significant role in losing weight. One study divided obese dieters into two groups. One group consumed spicy and flavored foods while the other group did not. The spicy dieters lost 30 pounds in 6 months, while the control group lost 2 pounds. Another study that was published in Physiology and Behavior looked at the effects of spices such as red chili pepper, capsaicin, black pepper, and ginger on metabolism and weight loss. Turns out, the spices boosted the metabolism of the dieters and increased the rate at which fat was burned.
Beyond the metabolism-boosting benefits of spicy foods, researchers speculate that adding spices to otherwise healthy but often bland foods (like veggies) may make those foods more appealing. It’s also speculated that dieters consume less of a spicy food, and that smaller portions are more satisfying for our taste buds.
The bottom line: Adding some cayenne pepper, Tabasco sauce, black pepper, chilies, hot peppers, etc. can be a great compliment to your diet or nutrition program.

#digestion   #spices   #food   #health   #weightloss   #fitness   #gut   #guthealth   #probiotics



Originally shared by Native 1

Intelligent Robots Must Uphold Human Rights



Originally shared by Bio E

Hoe to increase #seratonin  levels

#health   #fitness

#google #googledrive

#google   #googledrive  

Originally shared by Google Docs

Color scale conditional formatting in Sheets
Now it's even easier to visualize which numbers are the highest and lowest in a range--just select the “color scale” option when setting up conditional formatting. Plus, if you change any of the values, the colors will automatically update as you go. More info in the Help Center:

And one more thing: you can now import Excel files with color scale formatting too!



Originally shared by Interesting Engineering

10 Super Extreme Ads On Buildings
See more at:

Very cool! Would love to work with them.

Very cool! Would love to work with them.


#robotics   #ants   #swarmrobotics   #swarms   #festo   #biomimicry  

Originally shared by Daniel Estrada

> For the BionicANTs, Festo has not only transferred the delicate anatomy of ants, but also their cooperative behaviour to the world of technology. Like their natural role models, they communicate with each other and work together according to clear rules to solve a common task.

via Jeff Earls and



#google   #googledrive   #gdrive   #googleplus  

Originally shared by Google Drive

Sometimes, we use photos for practical purposes, like planning a wedding, remodeling a kitchen, or capturing meeting notes from a whiteboard. And, while you snap all kinds of pics, your experience across Google should be seamless and consistent. Starting today, the photos and videos you keep in Google+ Photos will also be available in Google Drive. 




Originally shared by Alex P

A California company procedure changes eyes from brown to blue for only $5000. :) Science is Freedom, the future is now:).  It's natural as technology advances, we will be able to change colors a lot more, not just eye color, but also hair and skin color permanently or for a week only - while you visit a country where everyone looks a certain way - you can take their appearance or get purple eyes and pretend to be from Venus, lol. Today, with contact lenses, you can easily change eye color. is the company that does it and they explain that we all have blue eyes. In the case of brown eyes, however, a thin layer of brown pigment covers the front surface of the iris (the colored part of the eye). The Strōma laser disrupts this layer of pigment, causing the body to initiate a natural and gradual tissue-removal process. Once the tissue is removed, the patient’s natural blue eyes are revealed.

Technology will make racism/nationalism outdated, since  shapeshifting weekly (changing eye-hair-skin color, shape... even purple skin with gold stars, lavender eyes with gold pupil, blue hair with orange skin) will be easy; our identity won't be in our appearance, but in our kindness, ♥compassion♥, ☻☼wit☺☻ and ☼intelligence☼; this 4 min video shows Google Director of Engineering Ray Kurzweil talking about the Immortal humans of the future if we spend trillions lost in (racism, greed, nationalism fueled) war towards Longevity, Immortality.

 Race is a social concept, not a scientific one. - Dr. Craig Venter, one of the first to see biological proof of this by sequencing the human genome. :)  

The New York Times article ► made it clear even in 2000, after we sequenced the human genome, that race is a social construct, unsupported by scientific data.  

Since 2000, many studies show within the same ethnicity/race there is often far more variation in DNA between  random people than between people of 2 nationalities.  Nationality is a very political social non-scientific label that has no basis in reality, since the nose, eye shape and skin-hair-eye color, appearance are just 0.01% of the DNA.   Science knows of tens of thousands of human genes so far and 3 genes have a role in how much melanin we have in eyes, hair, and skin. A little melanin means white skin, blue eyes, blonde hair; more melanin means darker eyes, hair, skin. :)  It's not worth having wars over such super-tiny differences.  Another article from Washington University highlights the illusion of races being real too ►  

The future is so raceless :) and peaceful as telepathy, teleportation, shapeshifting will be real and make appearance and nations irrelevant.

TELEPATHY - THIS WILL TRULY END THE IDEA OF NATIONALISM AND FIGHTS OVER LANGUAGE is a 2 min video about a nanoconcept of human-human telepathy using physical technology, tiny robots that swim in our blood or brain.  Using the same idea, in the future, holographic computers, made of light and/or energy, could assist our brains to use telepathy and navigate other dimensions.  The video talks about the disposable nanobots [the cellphones of the future] enabling us to become Immortal global telepaths. Computers become smaller, so smartphones will become nanobots. Forget email, texting and phone... telepathy is the future :) see, hear, smell, feel, think what others (who answer your '♥telepathy call♥') ☻☺think-feel-hear-see-smell☺☻, full communication :) Brainwaves can be recognized (every time we speak or think a word, there is a voice or brain pattern), as voice can be today, so telepathy will be natural. We'll even move beyond basic sensory + verbal telepathy to conceptual complex trans-linguistic telepathy allowing us to have a communication ☻a billion times richer and more exact than human languages today☻.

In the coming telepathy age we will communicate thru concepts, colors, images & true sensory information instead of language. It'll be a communication a billion times more exact, as you can get a nuanced version of every 'word' or 'bit of info' encoding. ☻Telepathy allows fast transfer of Immortality technologies, volumes of info as vast as the present internet processed in 1 minute by our new brains.  We'll evolve to use a trans-linguistic high speed telepathy & present human languages will disappear. 

Telepathy will obsolete the monetary system even, as blueprints for 'goods' (things are information patterns) are exchanged freely & as pico-technology materializing centers [within human template] provide ability to re-assemble dirt protons-neutrons into any object. We'll also be able to create perfect weather thru a planetary shield.  Compassion & Peace will prevail♥.  


Teleportation will make fixed physical location outdated and nations will disappear as a result.  Anyone will be able to be anywhere. Professor Zeilinger hopes it will be possible to teleport people in a few decades, as the 7 min video explains: Beam me up :). Certainly ☻♥Immortal Humans♥☻ should be able to teleport, why not. :)  Michio Kaku explains more teleportation in this 1 min video ►  Nations and languages will disappear and a multi-planetary Galactic Union of Immortals - GUI :) -  (extended to many planets we will terraform and colonize) will emerge.  


Shapeshifting matter means a tablet will change into an anti-gravity flying belt & we'll overcome the tendency to look at outward appearance - looking instead at Compassionate Intelligence. :) We won't recognize people by their shape, form, gender, height, skin color, which all will be fluid and changeable, but by their kindness & IQ. :)  Here is a shapeshifting gadgets 3 minute video ► from Intel.  What is more amazing is when we can re-assemble subatomic particles some day, so that we take air, water or anything solid and shapeshift it into any material object or even nutrients in our bloodstream (eliminating the need to eat and fixing all molecular damage, curing all dis-eases, making us ☺☻♥Shimmering Immortals♥☻☺). We will then be able to 'materialize' things out of thin air. :) We will be able to shift our form :), much more than the octopus in this 1 min video:

Promoting racism or nationalism is very bad karma, as it leads to wars and so much violence.  We can help World Peace arrive faster if we can support the pro-EU parties in Europe, the pro-African Union parties in Africa, the pro-Asian Union parties in Asia, pro-American Union in South-North America, etc,  pro-globalization parties, as we need a globally integrated world to maintain Peace and avoid any major war.  We are Earth Citizens first, national citizens second.  We need keep the planet safe to live in, free from wars.  We can soon replace 200 nations with 4-7 Regional Blocs and then Merge these into a Galactic Union of Immortality-Peace Loving People... :)

Alternatively, we can directly create one day soon a Union that will last longer than this Galaxy itself.  One day all nations can unite into a GALACTIC UNION headquartered in a moving GIGANTIC MOTHERSHIP ORBITING THE EARTH, with other  ♥GIGANTIC SELF-SUFFICIENT MOTHERSHIPS♥ IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM being rotating headquarters after we terraform other planets.  The goal of the ☻♥Immortal Union of Galactic Citizens♥☻ called GALACTIC UNION will be to Promote PEACE AND IMMORTALITY GALACTICALLY.  As this Union becomes super-developed thru the use of selflessness and intellect, others will join and it will bring the birth of A PEACEFUL GALACTIC CIVILIZATION of IMMORTALS.  Within this Galactic Union that aims for Trans-Linguistic Telepathy to replace languages, we will strive for Freedom, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, including the  Pursuit of Immortal Freedom, Immortal Happiness, Immortal Life.  "We, the citizens of the Galaxy, herein birth the Constitution of the GALACTIC UNION of Immortals, aimed to outlast the Galaxy itself...  "  :)

#health #biology #science #brain

#health   #biology   #science   #brain  

Originally shared by Lifehacker

No hype, no horror, just facts:

"The warmest temperature ever recorded on the continent of Antarctica may have occurred on Tuesday, March 24, 2015,...

Originally shared by Wayne Radinsky

"The warmest temperature ever recorded on the continent of Antarctica may have occurred on Tuesday, March 24, 2015, when the mercury shot up to 63.5°F (17.5°C) at Argentina's Esperanza Base on the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula. According to weather records researcher Maximiliano Herrera, the previous hottest temperature recorded in Antarctica was 63.3°F (17.4°C) set just one day previously at Argentina's Marambio Base, on a small islet just off the coast of the Antarctic Peninsula. Prior to this week's remarkable heat wave, the hottest known temperature in Antarctica was the 62.8°F (17.1°C) recorded at Esperanza Base on April 24, 1961."

'Robodog' Rottweiler Has Four Artificial Legs

Natural Garden Pest Control :

Originally shared by Gardening

Natural Garden Pest Control :

Six Flags to Build New Jersey’s Largest Solar Farm and Become First Theme Park to Be Entirely Self-Powered

Originally shared by EcoWatch

Six Flags to Build New Jersey’s Largest Solar Farm and Become First Theme Park to Be Entirely Self-Powered



Originally shared by Singularity 2045

Interesting look at the coming #artificialintelligence boom, the business impact.

CNBC (27 Mar 2015): "Quirky cult movies aside, the impact of artificial technology is immense, and the implications are phenomenal. And it has divided much of the technology world into two opposing camps."

CNBC added: "According to Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer, credit card companies can predict a divorce two years before it happens with 98 percent accuracy, based solely on your purchase decisions."



Originally shared by Wayne Radinsky

"Like many of us that lived through the AI Winter of the 1980s, which was brought about by overselling, overpromising, and overhyping simple advances, we fear that the current misguided hype is detrimental to the field of AI and might even cause another (and longer) AI Winter."

Didn't know there was a type of lemon with my surname.. will check it out.

Didn't know there was a type of lemon with my surname.. will check it out.


Originally shared by ChiroCarolina®

Just Add Good Stuff Lemon #Infographic detailing the health benefits in a visual way #health #nutrition

#health #food

#health #food

Originally shared by

Eating beans may help lower C-reactive protein (CRP) levels - a marker of inflammation ( Find out what other foods may help lower CRP.

Click to see video:

#health #rice

#health #rice

Originally shared by Angel Yordanov

Breaking news! Scientists have discovered a simple way to cook rice that dramatically cuts the calories

Whether you're jotting down a shopping list or putting ideas together for your next novel, Google Keep helps you...

Originally shared by Google Docs

Whether you're jotting down a shopping list or putting ideas together for your next novel, Google Keep helps you capture your thoughts in the form of notes. Starting today, when you visit, you can export notes to Docs to expand, edit, and polish your ideas.

Get organized with new labels in #GoogleKeep.

Originally shared by Android

Get organized with new labels in #GoogleKeep. Add labels like "Travel", "To Do" or "Inspiration" to your notes for easy searching later.

I've Been Wearing These Every Night for Two Weeks.

I've Been Wearing These Every Night for Two Weeks.

A couple of weeks ago I started a little experiment with the light exposure my eyes received before going to bed. I can't remember exactly what the trigger was but I recall an article loosely about the effect of blue light before going to sleep and the impact that had on the quality of sleep and sleep hygiene in general. 

The theory is that the blue light emitted by artificial lighting before bed, such as from the screens of electronic devices including TVs, computers, and phones, stimulates the brain like early-morning light, triggering alertness and altering fundamental circadian rhythms. Over the last few years I have become hypervigilant about pursuing healthy sleep hygiene habits and quality uninterrupted sleep, because bad sleep results in a build-up of molecular waste products in the brain, poor / handicapped cognition, and a general brain phenotype that might best be described as prematurely aged (see:

I decided to invest in two pairs of glasses designed to block blue wavelengths of light:
1. Generic Uvex safety eyewear (pictured) and 
2. BluBlocker sunglasses

The BluBlockers are obviously more stylish but they let in external light from the sides / periphery and so the generic - and much cheaper - glasses, which wrap around the head are better and provide better light blocking properties.

My experience has been very positive. In general I've been donning the glasses about an hour or two before bed and only take them off after the lights have been turned off. I'd say that 99% of the time at this time of day I am consuming information or media through a bright screen of one type or another, most often my home computer. Yes, image quality as regards colour saturation and richness suffers.

But I cannot remember falling asleep so quickly, nor sleeping so solidly - not that I'd classify my sleep beforehand as bad at all, just room for improvement. I feel fresher and more active in the morning and more alert during the day. A proper experiment will demand that I stop using the glasses for two weeks in order to compare the effects. The only drawback I've noticed, aside from the obvious loss of visual richness while wearing the glasses, is that my performance while trying to play first-person-shooters like Titanfall suffers considerably, which is interesting in and of itself. 

Finally, most importantly, and the reason for this post is that by coincidence I came across this article today about the latest experiments and research that suggests adjustments to modern lighting are necessary for better sleep and health by restoring our bodies' natural circadian rhythms - essentially preventing blue light from suppressing our natural production of melatonin. 

Another option I wouldn't mind exploring in future is house-wide Philips Hue lighting automatically set up to not emit blue light after a certain time of night. And emitting extra blue light in the mornings of course. 

This is just my experience and if you suffer from poor sleep and, like me, are immersed in a screen of some sort most nights before bed, you might want to conduct this little experiment yourself. The glasses are only $10 after all. 

#sleep   #light   #circadianrhythm

#eco #green #vegan #vegetarian

#eco #green #vegan #vegetarian

Originally shared by New Scientist

"The sky is falling!" said Chicken Little. But his kind are forestalling climate disaster

Very good!

Very good!

#creative #advertisement

Originally shared by Creative Ideas

Creative Ad For Glasses

Follow Creative Ideas For More

According to our survey, teachers tend to be more active than any other profession!

According to our survey, teachers tend to be more active than any other profession! See what other active jobs made the top 5 list, and let us know how you stay active at work.



Originally shared by David Brin

The money now spent on developing “artificial intelligence” or AI for finance, equities or commodities trading etc vastly exceeds the AI research budgets at the top 100 universities, combined.  And nearly all of it is done in secret, to develop programs whose ferocious drives are predatory, parasitical and all-devouring insatiable. That’s some combination!  As I have said repeatedly, “Skynet” won’t come out of the military.  It will come out of the portions of our economy that win every political battle and every tax break.  Indeed, what better clue that our AI overlords have already… come awake?

#health #technology

#health #technology

Originally shared by Engadget

This $300 cybernetic arm gets its smarts from your cellphone



Originally shared by Singularity 2045

Super-intelligent AI that harms or enslaves humans is a fiction similar to gods thus it is fitting to link the two delusions together. Gods have zero relevance to intelligence. Gods are delusional, they are a delusion, they not intelligent, gods are exactly identical to the AI fear, it is all nonsense.

The Daily Mail (23 Mar 2015) quoted Steve Wozniak saying: "'Will we be the gods? Will we be the family pets? Or will we be ants that get stepped on? I don't know.'"

If your pet dog designed your genome, if your pet dog intelligently created you, there is no doubt in my mind you would have an absolutely different relationship with your so-called pet, you would grant your intelligent pet equal rights with yourself. The analogy of humans being dog-like pets to AI is utterly invalid because unlike pet dogs humans are intelligently creating higher intelligence.

Daily Telegraph wrote (23 Mar 2015): "Will we be the gods? Will we be the family pets? Or will we be ants that get stepped on? I don't know about that… But when I got that thinking in my head about if I'm going to be treated in the future as a pet to these smart machines… well I'm going to treat my own pet dog really nice."


See also:


Mercedes-Benz's new robotic car is amazing.

Originally shared by WIRED

Mercedes-Benz's new robotic car is amazing. How amazing? Amazing enough to make a car aficionado want to quit driving.



Originally shared by Ward Plunet

The Future Of Voice-Activated AI Sounds Awesome

Voice recognition gets freakishly good. It used to be that voice recognition always fell short of our expectations, but there have been some recent major technology breakthroughs that have cracked the code on speech recognition. In the past 18 months, commercial speech recognition technologies have seen a dramatic 30 percent improvement. To put that into perspective, that’s a bigger gain in performance than we’ve seen in the past 15 years combined. These improvements are in part being driven by deep learning approaches combined with massive data sets.

Today however,  due to the emergence of a small but growing number of cloud based APIs like MindMeld, it’s now possible for developers to build an intelligent voice interface for any app or website without requiring an advanced degree in natural language processing.



Originally shared by Matthew J Price

Someone who has used both the Magic Leap and the HoloLens has declared no winner based on the primitive prototypes.  However, it looks like Microsoft will make it to market first, whereas Magic Leap will probably have better visuals.

#robotics #health

#robotics #health

Originally shared by David Fuchs

"You'll see a lot more instances of robotic arms in the news, but it doesn't mean high-tech prostheses for the lower limbs don't exist. The Cyberlegs project, for instance, is developing robotic legs that can help amputees move and walk more naturally. Each system is comprised of smart shoes equipped with pressure sensors and inertial measurement units, the limb itself, as well as a component and algorithm that can decode how the user intends to move. It can, for instance, tell if the user wants to start walking, to get up or to sit down -- based on the amputee's habits -- providing the proper support for each action. Users that need even more help can also be fitted with an accompanying pelvic brace that can assist them in moving their hips."

#future #machines #biology

#future #machines #biology

Originally shared by Singularity 2045

Machines and biology, is there a difference?

A good update to the linked article would be the information in this post ( regarding DNA robots, DNA Transformers, DNA origami.

Likewise this post ( regarding 3D chemistry printing, the ability to synthesize then pint rare molecules, could be a good update.

Finally note this post ( regarding gene-therapy, hacking DNA, to intelligently direct evolution.

#robotics #drones #amazon

#robotics #drones #amazon

Originally shared by Fast Company

Big win for Amazon:



Originally shared by Sabine Hauert

If you plan to start planting for the spring, here are some tips about mineral deficiency on plants.

If you plan to start planting for the spring, here are some tips about mineral deficiency on plants.

#garden #gardening

Originally shared by Gardening

Great Graphic to help you identify what is wrong with your tomato plants
Turn Your Home Into a Year-round Vegetable Garden - Microgreens - Sprouts - Herbs - Mushrooms - Tomatoes, Peppers & More :

Don't forget to install our game : "Trivia Skills" :



Originally shared by Louis Del Monte

The Robot Wars Are Coming

When I say “the robot wars are coming,” I am referring to the increase in the US Department of Deference’s use of robotic systems and artificial intelligence in warfare.

Recently, September 12, 2014, the US Department of Defense released a report, DTP 106: Policy Challenges of Accelerating Technological Change: Security Policy and Strategy Implications of Parallel Scientific Revolutions. Its authors, James Kadtke and Linton Wells II, delineate the potential benefits and concerns of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and associated technologies, as they relate to the future of warfare, stating: “This paper examines policy, legal, ethical, and strategy implications for national security of the accelerating science, technology, and engineering (ST&E) revolutions underway in five broad areas: biology, robotics, information, nanotechnology, and energy (BRINE), with a particular emphasis on how they are interacting. The paper considers the time frame between now and 2030 but emphasizes policy and related choices that need to be made in the next few years.” Their conclusions were shocking:

Read more:



Originally shared by TechCrunch

Humans: The Next Platform



Originally shared by Gizmag

Terminator-inspired tech could give traditional 3D printing a run for its money
A new approach to 3D printing promises to drastically speed up the 3D manufacturing process by "growing" objects out of a pool of resin rather than printing them layer by layer. Carbon3D announced its Continuous Liquid Interface Production technology (CLIP) on stage at the TED conference this week, claiming it can produce commercial-quality objects from a range of polymer-based material at speeds between 25 and 100 times faster than conventional 3D printing.

#eco #green #water #engineering

#eco #green #water #engineering

Originally shared by Interesting Engineering

Student’s Faucet Design Saves Water By Swirling It Into Beautiful Patterns



Originally shared by Automaton, IEEE Spectrum's Robotics Blog

#eco #green #earth #earthhour

#eco #green #earth #earthhour

Originally shared by WWF

Do you want to do something for our planet today?

In 2015 we’re going beyond the hour for #EarthHour! Visit → ← to discover some of the on-the-ground environmental and social projects you can take part in today.

Use #YourPower and help us spread the word!

Motion Tennis Cast uses Chromecast and your phone's motion sensor for Wii-esque Android gaming.

Originally shared by Android Authority

Motion Tennis Cast uses Chromecast and your phone's motion sensor for Wii-esque Android gaming. Smartwatch support in the works too.

By Robert Triggs



Originally shared by IEEE

A new soft, flexible, wearable electrode that sticks onto and near the ear like a temporary tattoo can transmit brain signals to a computer to aid in mind-control. It can stay on for more than 2 weeks and could help the wearer control prosthetics, computers, and other machines.



Originally shared by Stratos Koumantakis



Originally shared by Gizmodo

HP Stream Mini review: a deceptively capable tiny desktop for $180



Originally shared by 33rd Square

ATRIAS, a robot designed to enter disaster zones, is based on the movement of birds, unlike some of its DARPA robotic cousins. Using a spring-mass system that makes it more agile and less prone to falling down when confronted with uneven terrain, ATRIAS hops and runs effectively.



Originally shared by Mashable

Learn how to take photos like a pro.

#robotics #artificialintelligence

#robotics   #artificialintelligence  

Originally shared by LiveScience

Artificial intelligence like the kind seen in the movies is getting real, as researchers work on robots with feelings like Chappie.

#animals #eco

#animals   #eco  

Originally shared by Thomas Bell




Originally shared by Heddoko

Budgee Is a Follow-Me Robot that Carries Your Things. The future is now. #awesome

#robotics #running #racing

#robotics   #running   #racing  

Originally shared by Design Squad Global

Think you can outrun a robot?

#robotics #robocop

#robotics   #robocop  

Originally shared by Jon Wiley

“There are certain drivers who don’t respect the traffic police. But with the robot it will be different. We should respect the robot,” taxi driver Poro Zidane told AFP.


The future is weird.




Originally shared by Gaurav Vij

Shape Shifting Robots are Just Around the Corner..!
The future of shape shifting robots just came a step closer, thanks to this self powered liquid motor..

Watch this incredible video by Jing Liu of the Tsinghua University and Chinese Academy of Sciences:

#technology #food #foodprinter #3dprinting

#technology   #food   #foodprinter   #3dprinting  

Originally shared by Liz Gumbinner

This is what a 3D food printer can do. And it's actually healthy. Amazing. 

#tech   #technology   #3dprinting   #3dprinter   #foodprinter   #foodprinting



Originally shared by Singularity 2045

Yahoo offered an opinion on #artificialintelligence and smartphones, regarding an increasing move towards auto-correct lives, AI suggestions.

"As we know from Apple’s latest announcement about ResearchKit, your phone can also monitor your health and physical state. Why couldn’t it suggest that you, say, take a nap (or get a cup of coffee) when your mental acuity is failing? Why not have an app suggest a menu item when you’re at a restaurant — one that balances health with your enjoyment?"



Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

PancakeBot, World's First Pancake Printer, Will Make Breakfast In Any Shape Your Heart Desires

#health #technology

#health #technology

Originally shared by Kevin Kelly

The Anatomical Mirror. Reflects back your anatomical insides: bones, organs, muscle.  Nice hack and art piece.



Originally shared by Wayne Radinsky

Anti-robot protest held at SXSW. "They are (apparently, seriously) concerned that robots could one day surpass human intelligence and they were genuinely anxious about this."

"He stressed, however the group wasn't against technology per se or even robots and AI, but they wanted to make sure that these technologies were developed in a controlled way."

About a decade ago, I got a tag at a conference that says, "Start kissing robot ass now, you don't want to be on the wrong side when the robots take over." It was obviously meant as humor, but apparently the signs at this protest, which say, "Robots won't care," and the t-shirts, which say, "Stop the robots," are serious.

#robotics #forum #eu #europe #euroboticsforum #ERF2015

#robotics   #forum   #eu   #europe   #euroboticsforum   #ERF2015

#robotics #swarmrobotics #alanwinfield #health

#robotics   #swarmrobotics   #alanwinfield   #health

#robotics #eu #europe #euroboticsforum #ERF2015

#robotics   #eu   #europe   #euroboticsforum   #ERF2015  

Originally shared by Sabine Hauert

#health #robotics

#health   #robotics  

Originally shared by Fraunhofer IPA

Unsere Kollegen von der Projektgruppe für edizin und #Biotechnologie (PAMB) in Mannheim sind gestern offiziell in ihr neues Zuhause gezogen: das Gründungs- und Kompetenzzentrum für Medizintechnologie CUBEX41 auf dem Campus der Universitätsmedizin Mannheim. In ihren neuen Räumlichkeiten – darunter hochmoderne Labore und ein neuer #Interventionsraum mit einem Artis zeego – entwickeln die IPA-Experten Automatisierungslösungen für die Medizin und Biotechnologie. Wir freuen uns für unsere Wissenschaftler und wünschen ihnen einen guten Start!

Mehr dazu:



#robotics #education

#robotics   #education  

Originally shared by 33rd Square

Researchers have recruited the help of NAO robots in the prototype CoWriter system.  Students teach the robot to improve its handwriting and see the robot's improved performance reflected in their own work.

#eco #green #farming

#eco   #green   #farming  

Originally shared by Jane Rakali

Neat. With rainwater catchment and its own sustainable energy source, this is a fantastic idea. Put half a dozen in or on apartment blocks and let the tenants grow their own food. You could connect aquaculture and similar systems to it, too.



Originally shared by Ward Plunet

The Future Of Voice-Activated AI Sounds Awesome

Voice recognition gets freakishly good. It used to be that voice recognition always fell short of our expectations, but there have been some recent major technology breakthroughs that have cracked the code on speech recognition. In the past 18 months, commercial speech recognition technologies have seen a dramatic 30 percent improvement. To put that into perspective, that’s a bigger gain in performance than we’ve seen in the past 15 years combined. These improvements are in part being driven by deep learning approaches combined with massive data sets.

Today however,  due to the emergence of a small but growing number of cloud based APIs like MindMeld, it’s now possible for developers to build an intelligent voice interface for any app or website without requiring an advanced degree in natural language processing.



Originally shared by michael barth

A new era of programmer, who will create the software that powers an artificial intelligence revolution, will look more like a sports coach instructing an athlete or an architect designing the plan of a skyscraper, than the image your mind conjures up when picturing a “software developer”. Systems designed to learn and react to changes in their environment won’t be built by computer science graduates writing lines of code, logical instructions for a computer to execute in a precise order, into a text editor. The next generation of software won’t involve any code at all. Creating software that can solve human problems requires a more human way of teaching computers how to find solutions. The artificially intelligent systems of tomorrow (a tomorrow a lot closer than you probably think) will be taught the same way we teach a toddler to read, or a teenager to drive a car, often with a lot of practice, and a lot more patience.

Since the first programming languages developed over sixty years ago, the method for creating software has remained relatively unchanged. There are reasons however, as to why providing computers with clearly defined text instructions became the status quo for so long. Despite many ideas still used in AI research (such as the modelling of artificial neural networks) being first developed as early as the 1940’s, the computing power available at the time was staggeringly less than is available in even today’s mobile phones. Hardware capable of effectively simulating such networks at scale was still decades away.

#robotics #drones

#robotics   #drones  

Originally shared by John Verdon

#architecture #3dprinting #green

#architecture   #3dprinting   #green  

Originally shared by Engadget

Inhabitat's Week in Green: 3D-printed buildings, wooden skyscrapers and UFO-shaped tree tents

Integration with Google+? That would be great!

Integration with Google+? That would be great!

#google   #googledrive   #googleplus  

Originally shared by Engadget

Google Drive will soon back up your phone's photos



Originally shared by WIRED

The Darpa Robotics Challenge is the biggest collection of robots in one place that’s ever happened. These are some of the finalists.

A mashup between the early days of Pixar, the early days of Apple, and some kind of Willy Wonka science fiction...

Originally shared by Stratos Koumantakis

A mashup between the early days of Pixar, the early days of Apple, and some kind of Willy Wonka science fiction movie.

Drought-stricken São Paulo battles mosquitoes and dengue fever outbreak – ‘It’s worrying now because it’s hard to...

Originally shared by Before It's News

Drought-stricken São Paulo battles mosquitoes and dengue fever outbreak – ‘It’s worrying now because it’s hard to control how people store water’

Inhabitants of this megacity, suffering through the worst drought in decades, have unwittingly contributed to an outbreak of dengue fever by storing scarce water in open containers.

The tropical mosquito-borne virus, which often results in high fever, intense muscle pain and convulsions, has killed at least 17 people in São Paulo state in the first six weeks of 2015. That’s up from just three deaths through mid-February of 2014, according to national health officials. Suspected cases have surged tenfold to 51,849 over the same period.

Dengue is a persistent problem in Brazil, particularly during the peak of the rainy season, which is January and February in the nation’s populous southeast. But health officials blame human behavior for this year’s surge. While drought-ravaged São Paulo has yet to declare official water rationing, the main water utility has reduced pressure in the pipes to force conservation, a strategy that has cut off running water to millions of customers for hours, even days at a stretch. Residents have responded by hoarding water in open buckets, watering cans and other makeshift containers. Paradoxically, they’ve created a water-borne paradise for mosquitoes to breed in the midst of an epic drought.

“It’s worrying now because it’s hard to control how people store water,” said Jose Gomes Temporao, former health minister and executive director of South American Institute of Government in Health. “This creates a risk not just for dengue but for chikungunya,” another mosquito-borne virus that cause fever, rashes and joint pains that can last for months, even years.

Photo: Aerial view of pontoons previously used as a floating jetty lying on cracked ground near Atibainha dam, part of the Cantareira reservoir, São Paulo state, 12 February 2015. Brazil is in the middle of its worst drought in 84 years of recordkeeping. Photo: Paulo Whitaker


#robotics #biomimicry

#robotics   #biomimicry  

Originally shared by Adafruit Industries

Bat Inspired Robot Being Developed #Biomimicry

Bat inspired robot to help with search and rescue missions. via news nation

Researchers are developing a new vampire bat-inspired robot that can walk as well as fly, allowing it to carry out search and rescue missions in multiple terrains.

Read More

Robot swarms, robot herds, robot flocks

Robot swarms, robot herds, robot flocks

I'm in the news again. =)

Have you ever seen a herd of robots? Or a shoal of robots? How about a robot flock? All of these collective nouns mean the same as ‘swarm,’ and swarm robotics is an entire field of research.

#robotics   #swarmrobotics   #biomimicry   #swarm   #robotsvsanimals   #jessicameyer

Website full of news about robotics.

Website full of news about robotics.




Originally shared by Singularity 2045

DARPA wants humans and computers to communicate easily.

Discovery wrote (2 Mar 2015): "The program — dubbed Communicating with Computers (CwC) — aims to get computers to express themselves more like humans by enabling them to use spoken language, facial expressions and gestures to communicate."

Note also a KurzweilAI article (12 Feb 2015) regarding computers understanding sentiment in images: "Jiebo Luo, professor of computer science at the University of Rochester, in collaboration with researchers at Adobe Research has come up with a more accurate way than currently possible to train computers to be able to digest big data that comes in the form of images."

#robotics #design

#robotics #design

Originally shared by Robohub

While most robots are either geek or jock, CHAPPiE is a lesson in sexy

#robotics #biomimicry

#robotics   #biomimicry  

Originally shared by Automaton, IEEE Spectrum's Robotics Blog



Originally shared by michael barth

On March 6 Neill Blomkamp’s movie “Chappie” adds more high-tech hardware a long list of big-screen robots, continuing our fascination with Artificial Intelligence.  Hollywood takes on AI range from 1984’s “The Terminator”, to Steven Spielberg’s “A.I. Artificial Intelligence”, and the recent Scarlett Johansson-voiced “Her,” just to name a few. asked futurist and CEO Gray Scott which cinematic visions got it right and which were way off.

“You have to talk about ‘The Terminator’  if you’re talking about Artificial Intelligence. I actually think that that’s way off,” he said. “I don’t think that an artificially intelligent system that has superhuman intelligence will be violent. I do think that it will disrupt our culture. We are looking at a system where we could look out into the world and see machines that are smarter than us and we’ve never really reacted well to that kind of situation before. So, I think ‘Chappie’ is interesting because it’s more about how we react to the systems.”

Scott notes that the learning process addressed in “Chappie” also stand out. “In ‘Chappie’ you see this sort of young robot that’s learning through maybe ‘deep learning’ how to see the world really, look out into the world, and learn step by step,” he explained.  “What’s so interesting is that with ‘Chappie’ you’re getting to see how human behavior reacts to artificial intelligence and I don’t think it’s always going to be positive.”

The futurist explained where this learning process stands now in real life. “We do know that we can set certain algorithms for machines to do certain things - now that may be a simple task. A factory robot that moves one object from here to there,” he said. “That’s a very simple top down solution. But when we start creating machines that learn for themselves, that is a whole new area that we’ve never been in before. We’re starting to see the preliminary versions of that on the market now.”

Aritificial Intelligence is certainly sparking debate at the moment thanks to The Future of Life Institute’s open letter outlining the research priorities for beneficial AI, and a recent warning from Stephen Hawking about the technology.

“I think it’s good that we’re having the conversation now - we don’t want this to become a part of our culture without having the discussion first,” said Scott. “We want to implement, and I think this is what they are sort of saying, I don’t think they are saying it’s going to destroy us, I think what they’re saying is we need to have that conversation now. What do we put in place, what kind of algorithms can we put in place, to keep it from becoming violent if that is in fact where it goes?”

He added: “I think that kind of conversation… because we do have 25-30 years as a lead up to true Artificial Intelligence, the kind that’s autonomous. If it even happens that soon. So I think it’s good that we’re having that conversation and it’s coming from people in those arenas.”

For more on the future, and how we may one day hear from AI, click the video above for our Tech Take with Gray Scott!



Originally shared by IEEE

In the future, will you be using the Internet of Things to open your front door with a retina scanner? Or how about starting kitchen appliances using a tablet in a different room? Tell us how you think the Internet of Things will change how your home operates for a chance to win a $500 gift card:

Environmental chemicals

Environmental chemicals

It may seem odd for a nutrition professor to study flame retardants. But one such professional at the University of New Hampshire found that these substances—which are found in everything from furniture to carpet padding and electronics—trigger metabolic and liver problems that can lead to insulin resistance, a major cause of obesity. Compared to a control group, rats exposed to these chemicals experienced dramatic physiological changes. In just one month, levels of a key enzyme responsible for sugar and fat metabolism dropped by nearly 50% in the livers of rats exposed to flame retardants. According to the researcher, the average person has about 300 chemicals in his or her body that are man made, and we’re only beginning to understand the possible effects.

#health     #flameretardant  

Originally shared by med-care diabetic & medical supplies

Here are five non-diet factors that can affect your weight. Ask a doctor what is best for you.

TIME Health



Originally shared by Before It's News

Artificial sweeteners lead to diabetes and weight gain, more so than sugar

If you’re trying to lose weight, then sugar is one of your main enemies. But everybody wants something sweet once in a while, so artificial sweeteners were invented, and in recent years, they’ve become quite popular. But now, a new study shows that artificial sweeteners are messing with our gut bacteria, also causing high sugar levels in our blood.

This seems pretty weird; our bodies can’t digest artificial sweeteners, so then how is it that they’re causing increased sugar levels? A team from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel found that artificial sweeteners are messing with our stomach’s “fauna” – the bacteria which inhabit our gut -, triggering glucose intolerance in the body – which is the first step towards metabolic syndrome and adult-onset diabetes.

“Our results suggest that in a subset of individuals, artificial sweeteners may affect the composition and function of the gut microbiome,” Eran Elinav, an immunologist and co-author of the study, explained at a press conference.


#robotics #health

#robotics   #health  

Originally shared by Dattatreya Mandal

The Adorable Yet Advanced Robear Designed To Take Care Of Elderly People!

#robot   #japanese   #medicalcare

#artificialintelligence #machinelearning

#artificialintelligence   #machinelearning  

Originally shared by Wayne Radinsky

"Development of superhuman machine intelligence (SMI) is probably the greatest threat to the continued existence of humanity." says Sam Altman. "There are other threats that I think are more certain to happen (for example, an engineered virus with a long incubation period and a high mortality rate) but are unlikely to destroy every human in the universe in the way that SMI could." 

"SMI does not have to be the inherently evil sci-fi version to kill us all. A more probable scenario is that it simply doesn't care about us much either way, but in an effort to accomplish some other goal (most goals, if you think about them long enough, could make use of resources currently being used by humans) wipes us out."

"Although there has been a lot of discussion about the dangers of machine intelligence recently, there hasn't been much discussion about what we should try to do to mitigate the threat." "So here is a suggestion." "The US government, and all other governments, should regulate the development of SMI. In an ideal world, regulation would slow down the bad guys and speed up the good guys -- it seems like what happens with the first SMI to be developed will be very important."

#robotics #artificialintelligence

#robotics   #artificialintelligence  

Originally shared by 33rd Square

The Terminator Is Not Coming. The Future Will Thank Us.

#mindcontrol #mindcontroller #gaming

#mindcontrol   #mindcontroller   #gaming  

Originally shared by Stratos Koumantakis

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and Australian-based Emotiv have developed what it considers to be the next level in gaming - a headset (pictured) that lets you control on-screen and physical objects using just your mind.

#artificialintelligence #neuroscience #neurorobotics

#artificialintelligence   #neuroscience   #neurorobotics  

Originally shared by 33rd Square

Neurorobotics engineers from the Human Brain Project have recently taken the first steps towards building a "virtual mouse" by placing a simplified computer model of the mouse brain into a virtual mouse body. This new kind of tool will be made available to scientists worldwide.



Originally shared by null

The robots managed to appear both cute and intimidating. This friendly-but-not-too-friendly presence is meant to serve them well in jobs like monitoring corporate and college campuses, shopping malls, and schools.

#geneticalgorithms #artificialintelligence #evolution

#geneticalgorithms   #artificialintelligence   #evolution  

Originally shared by Ian Lurie

You will be hypnotized:



Originally shared by How-To Geek

Well, if you are going to modify your desk, then you may as well make it awesome!

Found at: (



Originally shared by Ward Plunet

First full body transplant is two years away, surgeon claims


Despite Canavero’s enthusiasm, many surgeons and neuroscientists believe massive technical hurdles push full body transplants into the distant future. The starkest problem is that no one knows how to reconnect spinal nerves and make them work again. Were that possible, people paralysed by spinal injuries could have surgery to make them walk again.



Originally shared by Jimmy Moore

Fluoride in drinking water may trigger depression and weight gain, warn scientists: 

Could rising rates of hypothyroidism be an unintended consequence of adding fluoride into the water for dental health? Scientists are recognizing the impact that has made on our overall health and it's not pretty. This was published in the latest issue of the British Medical Journal's Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.

#robotics #technology #future

#robotics #technology #future

Oh, good news!

Oh, good news! Just bought my first Amazon  Instant Video after reading this :). Note that the video I bought was not available on the Play Store UK (just available on the US), so Google just lost a costumer here.

#chromecast   #amazon   #amazoninstantvideo   #googleplay