
Showing posts from May, 2013



Originally shared by SciFi Author: Lacerant Plainer

Bar2-D2 : Bar2-D2 is the complete package. Made by a hobbyist and salesman, Bar2-D2 can serve beers, make cocktails, and wheel over to someone badly in need of some refreshment. It also serves ice!

BaR2D2 is a mobile bar that features a motorized beer elevator, motorized ice/mixer drawer, computerized drink mixing, and sound activated neon lighting. The robot is drivable so you can take the party on the road! It was garage-built in about 8 months.

Article link:

Product details:

#sciencefiction #scifi #science #scienceeveryday #sciencesunday #robot #bar #r2d2  

Khan? ;)

Khan? ;)

#artificialintelligence   #intelligence   #enhancement   #startrek   #kahn  

Originally shared by Singularity 2045

I think the "us" versus "them" divide regarding #AcceleratingIntelligence of AIs and humans is misguided. We will all be equally intelligent. Every being (natural or "artificial") will be able to expand their mind if they want to, although some people lean towards humans or AIs being superior.

"Unlike efforts to develop artificial general intelligence (AGI), or even an artificial superintelligence (SAI), the human brain already presents us with a pre-existing intelligence to work with. Radically extending the abilities of a pre-existing human mind — whether it be through genetics, cybernetics or the integration of external devices — could result in something quite similar to how we envision advanced AI."

#artificialintelligence #IntelligenceAmplification



Originally shared by Singularity 2045

"In his article – - Welcome, Robot Overlords. Please Don’t Fire Us? – Drum put forward the case that as humans we are increasingly forced to compete against machines designed to perform better and smarter than us. The idea that machines may one day take over is not new but the article argues that this trend has already started and it is merely the blindness of statisticians and economists that has prevented it from being seriously discussed so far."

#PostScarcity #technologicalunemployment   #artificialintelligence

#health #neuroscience

#health   #neuroscience  

Originally shared by Ward Plunet

Vicious Cycle: Obesity Sustained by Changes in Brain Biochemistry

...researchers show that in the brain cells of rats, obesity impedes the production of a hormone that curbs appetite and inspires calorie burning. The root cause appears to be a breakdown in the protein-processing mechanism of the cells. In the lab, the researchers showed they could fix the breakdown with drugs.


Journal Reference:
I. Cakir, N. E. Cyr, M. Perello, B. Patedakis Litvinov, A. Romero, R. C. Stuart, E. A. Nillni. Obesity Induces Hypothalamic Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Impairs Proopiomelanocortin (POMC) Post-translational Processing. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2013; DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M113.475343

Google has been pushing self-driving car technology for much of the last few years, and Audi showed off its own...

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

Google has been pushing self-driving car technology for much of the last few years, and Audi showed off its own self-driving vehicle at the last CES, and now Mercedes-Benz is throwing its hat into the ring. According to The New York Times, the automaker showed off its "virtual chauffer" technology in its new $100,00 S-Class in Hamburg, Germany — it's a car that Mercedes-Benz says can steer itself in city traffic or keep it in its lane going over 120MPH on a highway, under the right conditions. It can also park itself, brake automatically to avoid hitting pedestrians or other cars, and can even tell when a driver is becoming dangerously fatigued. Mercedes compared it to a plane's autopilot system, in which the plane can perform many of the routine tasks necessary to get it from point A to point B while a human keeps its eye on things to watch out for trouble.

#technology #gaming #games #neurogaming #neuroscience

#technology   #gaming   #games   #neurogaming   #neuroscience  

Originally shared by Singularity 2045

"Driven by explosive growth in computer processing, affordable sensors, and new haptic sensation technology, neurogame designers have entirely new toolkits to craft an immersive experience  that simulates our waking life. Lucid journeys into the dreamscapes depicted in films like Inception may soon become possible."

#gaming #haptic #virtualreality

#robotics #artificialintelligence #humankind

#robotics   #artificialintelligence   #humankind  

Originally shared by Singularity 2045


LOL the experts. They think Intelligent #robots will overtake humans by 2100. Wake up, it will 2045 at the latest.

"Some believe in a utopian future, in which humans can transcend their physical limitations with the aid of machines. But others think humans will eventually relinquish most of their abilities and gradually become absorbed into artificial intelligence (AI)-based organisms, much like the energy making machinery in our own cells."


#5g #internet #technology #samsung #4g

#5g   #internet   #technology   #samsung   #4g  

Originally shared by Redmond Pie

Forget About 4G, Samsung Tests 5G Mobile Network Technology With Whopping 1Gbps Download Speed

#science #artificialintelligence #künstlicheintelligenz #germany #deutschland #journal ...

#science   #artificialintelligence   #künstlicheintelligenz   #germany   #deutschland   #journal   #springer   #robotics

#health #food #calories

#health   #food   #calories  

Originally shared by Ward Plunet

Heightened sensitivity to cheap, high-calorie food is linked with obesity

... a new review of human brain imaging studies published by Cell Press in the journal Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism suggests that a major reason for the dramatic increase in obesity may be a heightened sensitivity to heavily advertised and easily accessible high-calorie foods.

"The emerging imaging literature supports the view that although there is not a single pathway leading to obesity, it is a neurobehavioral problem: a disease that results from a vulnerable brain in an unhealthy environment," explains Dr. Dagher. "The demonstration that humans are sensitive to food cues, such as advertising, especially when these food cues are associated through past experience with high-calorie foods, cannot be ignored.

The True Cost of Cheap Food

The True Cost of Cheap Food

87 percent of the US supermarket meat (including beef, pork, chicken, and turkey products) tests positive for normal and antibiotic-resistant forms of Enterococcus bacteria. Between 2003 and 2011, antibiotic use on US livestock farms soared from 20 million pounds per year to 30 million pounds - a jaw-dropping 50 percent leap. These facilities now suck in 80 percent of the antibiotics consumed in the United States. The great bulk of these drugs are used not to treat sick animals, but rather to make them grow faster and keep them alive until slaughter under tight, filthy conditions ➜

Facts and Numbers (Source →
● In 1998, the USDA implemented microbial testing for salmonella and E. coli 0157h7 so that if a plant repeatedly failed these tests, the USDA could shut down the plant. After being taken to court by the meat and poultry associations, the USDA no longer has that power.
● In 1972, the FDA conducted 50,000 food safety inspections. In 2006, the FDA conducted only 9,164.
● In the 1970s, the top five beef packers controlled about 25% of the market. Today, the top four control more than 80% of the market. 
● In the 1970s, there were thousands of slaughterhouses producing the majority of beef sold. Today there are only 13.
● The average American eats over 200 lbs. of meat a year.

Related Article, Posts and Videos:
● Consumer Reports investigation: Talking turkey ➜
● What’s bugging your meat? Shit and antibiotics, probably ➜
● The truth about your food with filmmaker R. Kenner ➜
● Pharm Foods ➜
● The video the meat industry doesn't want you to see ➜
● Antibiotics and the Meat We Eat ➜
● US meat supply massively contaminated with superbugs ➜
● Whose kids do not eat fast food? ➜

Images by Food,Inc. ( and CR (

#robotics #art #artificialintelligence

#robotics   #art   #artificialintelligence  

Originally shared by Automaton, IEEE Spectrum's Robotics Blog

#robotics #bionic #transhumanism

#robotics   #bionic   #transhumanism  

Originally shared by 33rd Square

Recently on CNN, bionics technology has been featured in the series, The Art of Movement. What will the bionics revolution mean for everyone as the technology continues to advance?

#meat #health #superbugs #vegetarian #vegan

#meat   #health   #superbugs   #vegetarian   #vegan

Originally shared by Mike Elgan

US meat supply massively contaminated with superbugs.

Consumer Reports says 90% of US supermarket ground turkey is contaminated with superbugs -- antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Earlier this month, a government monitoring group found more than half of samples of ground turkey, pork chops and ground beef bought in US supermarkets contained antibiotic-resistant superbugs. 

The contamination of the food supply with superbugs is caused by the widespread use of antibiotics in livestock to make them bigger and also enable them to survive in cramped, unhealthy conditions without dying of the diseases that spread in such an environment. 

Bottom line: Antibiotics makes meat cheaper. But is it worth the lower price?