
Showing posts from November, 2015

The Facility Is an Underground Bunker Selling for $17.5 Million | Digital Trends

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

The Facility Is an Underground Bunker Selling for $17.5 Million | Digital Trends

'Colin Furze’s underground bunker, which he recently completed, is pretty sweet. It has a well-stocked kitchen, not-so-private bathroom, bed, generator, flat-screen TV, drums … pretty much everything you need to survive a disaster, or just to enjoy as a cool place to hang out in with your friends. But his homemade bunker has nothing on 123 Private Drive in Tifton, Georgia.

The 12-bedroom, 12-bathroom underground structure at that address was built in 1969; its owners updated it to meet government standards in 2012. The bunker can apparently withstand a 20-kiloton nuclear blast. But that doesn’t mean you can’t wait for the end of the world in style; the first floor has a common area “similar to a luxury hotel.” I would definitely read a book titled after its nickname, “The Facility.”'

Samsung’s Gear VR Commercial Is Surprisingly Good

Originally shared by Ward Plunet

Samsung’s Gear VR Commercial Is Surprisingly Good

After speaking with some folks in the virtual reality community after Gear VR’s launch, it seems like Samsung has positioned its phone accessory nicely. The commercial is a part of Samsung’s campaigned called “It’s Not a Phone, It’s a Galaxy.”

Domino's makes ordering pizza dangerous with 'Easy Order' button

Originally shared by Engadget

Domino's makes ordering pizza dangerous with 'Easy Order' button

World’s first cyber-plants fuse electronics with roses

Originally shared by michael barth

3D printing files for guns are illegal in an Australian state

Originally shared by Engadget

3D printing files for guns are illegal in an Australian state

China plans to clone everything from beef cattle to the family dog in this giant factory

Originally shared by michael barth

A Visual Introduction to Machine Learning

Originally shared by Ward Plunet

A Visual Introduction to Machine Learning

Go to the site and scroll down to learn.

In machine learning, computers apply statistical learning techniques to automatically identify patterns in data. These techniques can be used to make highly accurate predictions.

Will #artificialintelligence be a revolution comparable to the rise of the PC, or will the revolution be greater?

Originally shared by Singularity 2045

Will #artificialintelligence be a revolution comparable to the rise of the PC, or will the revolution be greater?

TechCrunch wrote (17 Nov 2015): “...the tech company that wins the A.I. arms race will be at the forefront of a technological revolution comparable to the rise of the personal computer and the first data that flowed across the interweb.”

The World Could Run Entirely On Wind, Solar, And Hydro Power By 2050

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

The World Could Run Entirely On Wind, Solar, And Hydro Power By 2050

'In a few decades, the world could be powered by nothing but wind, water, and sunlight. That's the conclusion of a new study released just before world leaders head to Paris to strike a climate deal.

"These are basically plans showing it's technically and economically feasible to change the energy infrastructure of all of these different countries," says Mark Z. Jacobson, director of the Atmosphere/Energy Program at Stanford University, who worked with University of California colleagues to analyze energy roadmaps for 139 countries (you can see a few above).

The researchers crunched numbers to see how much energy each country would need by 2050—including electricity, transportation, heating and cooling, industry, and agriculture—and then calculated how renewable energy could cover those needs, where it could go, and how much it would cost.

"People who are trying to prevent this change would argue that it's too expensive, or there's just not enough power, or they try to say that it's unreliable, that it will take too much land area or resources," Jacobson says. "What this shows is that all these claims are mythical."

Renewable energy is already cheap and will get cheaper. Even now, Jacobson says, wind is the cheapest electricity in the U.S., costing just 3.5 cents a kilowatt-hour (unsubsidized) compared to 6 to 8 cents for natural gas. That's not including health and climate benefits: The study estimates that shifting infrastructure would save 4 to 7 million lives a year of people who would have died from air pollution—deaths that cost the world around 3% of the global GDP.'

Science says that technology is speeding up our brains’ perception of time - ScienceAlert

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

Science says that technology is speeding up our brains’ perception of time - ScienceAlert

'Every year, it feels like time speeds up a little more. One day it's Easter and then before you know it, some high school friend's posting on Facebook about how there are only five more Fridays before Christmas (seriously, what the hell).

But it turns out it's not just another downside of getting older – a psychologist has found evidence that our constant use of technology is making our brains more efficient at processing information, and as a result is tricking us into thinking time is passing faster than it really is.


"On the positive side, a faster processing speed may be an advantage in many circumstances," said McLouhglin. But she's also investigating the long-term effects of this speed-up.

“I feel it would lead to an increase in time-stress, which has been linked to heart disease, among other things," she said. "High time-pressure is also significantly related to distress among both men and women, and is related to increased levels of depression in women who work outside of the home."

So the good news is that time isn't actually speeding up, only our brains are. The bad news is that we're all too busy using technology to appreciate the extra time that buys us. Ah, the irony. '

BBC - Future - Catching a thief by their face

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

BBC - Future - Catching a thief by their face

'Retail stores are turning to facial recognition technology and customer tracking tools to fight against shoplifters. BBC Future investigates.


Herta’s technology needs just the “slightest glimpse” to match against a database and can recognise up to 20 or 30 faces in a crowd, says Gary Lee, Herta Security’s international business development manager. The company remains tight-lipped about who its clients are but it is currently testing its facial recognition system with a large electronics chain.'

Scientists now think that being overweight can protect your health - Quartz

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

Scientists now think that being overweight can protect your health - Quartz

'... Researchers immediately began trying to explain this “obesity paradox”—or, more often, to explain it away. Carl Lavie, a cardiologist in Jefferson, Louisiana, was one of the first clinicians to describe the paradox. It took him over a year to find a journal that would publish his findings. “People thought, ‘This can’t be true. There’s got to be something wrong with their data’,” he told Quartz.

Since then, dozens of studies have confirmed the existence of the paradox. Being overweight is now believed to help protect patients with an increasingly long list of medical problems, including pneumonia, burns, stroke, cancer, hypertension, and heart disease. Researchers who have tried to show that the paradox is based on faulty data or reasoning have largely come up short. And while scientists do not yet agree on what the paradox means for health, most accept the evidence behind it. “It’s been shown consistently enough in different disease states,” says Gregg Fonarow, a cardiology researcher at the University of California, Los Angeles.

The researcher who did most to kick off the debate, and in the process became the object of much of the pushback it generated, is an epidemiologist at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention named Katherine Flegal. Together with colleagues, she looked at hundreds of mortality studies that included data on body mass index (BMI), which is calculated by dividing a person’s weight in kilograms by the square of their height in meters. People with BMIs of more than 25 are classed as overweight, and those with a BMI over 30 as obese.

Flegal found the lowest mortality rates among people in the overweight to mildly obese categories. It’s true that these groups are slightly more likely to suffer from heart disease and some other life-threatening conditions in the first place. But many factors influence the likelihood of a person getting heart disease. And a strong link between weight and disease only emerges among people with severe obesity. So taken at face value, the results seemed to be showing that a little extra weight is genuinely beneficial.

The big fat truth : Nature News & Comment

'More and more studies show that being overweight does not always shorten life — but some public-health researchers would rather not talk about them.   Virginia Hughes  22 May 2013'

#health #vitamins

#health #vitamins

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

Tempestade Solar gigantesca poderá atingir toda a Terra, países se preparam

It works, but you have to know how to use it.

Originally shared by Lifehacker

It works, but you have to know how to use it.

Meet the Alpha 2 #humanoid #robot, your family's new personal assistant from UBTECH Robotics

Originally shared by Robotics Trends

Meet the Alpha 2 #humanoid #robot, your family's new personal assistant from UBTECH Robotics

Japan is planning an unmanned moon mission for 2019

Originally shared by Engadget

Japan is planning an unmanned moon mission for 2019

How social media is driving artificial intelligence

Originally shared by Lexx Lazerman

How social media is driving artificial intelligence
More Machine Learning stuff . . .

Microsoft's Huge Update Could Bring Artificial Intelligence To Your Apps

Originally shared by Andrew King (science student)

#solarenergy #solarpower #eco #green

#solarenergy #solarpower #eco #green

Sniffing Out Information on Dopamine Receptor Signaling

Originally shared by Neuroscience News

Sniffing Out Information on Dopamine Receptor Signaling

How a mutant worm's reaction to a foul smell could lead to new disease treatment avenues.

The research is in Science Signaling. (full access paywall)

#neuroscience   #dopamine


Originally shared by Interesting Engineering


Originally shared by Interesting Engineering

How to create a mind, or die trying | ExtremeTech

Originally shared by michael barth


Originally shared by Interesting Engineering


Originally shared by Interesting Engineering



Originally shared by 4WheelsNews

TOYOTA   to invest $1 billion in new company for Artificial Intelligence and robotics research in Silicon Valley

Toyota has reiterated its commitment to developing next-generation technology. The Japanese car manufacturer will infuse a total of $1 billion to start a research company in California’s Silicon Valley. What the company’s R&D division will be busy on are the fields of robotics and artificial intelligence.

Clearly, Toyota is committed to developing next-gen technologies to create the cars of the future. Toyota will be giving the investment in increments over a period of five years. The company will begin its research and development as early as January next year.

200 employees will be working in this facility, which will be close to Stanford University. It can be noted that the University had received a grant of $50 million from Toyota to conduct artificial intelligence research together with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge.

Google Opens AI to Open Source Community

Originally shared by David Amerland

Google Opens AI to Open Source Community

For those looking to make sense of the logic of giving away something that is extremely expensive to develop, for free, I just need to say the word "Android" to refocus the mind. 

Google's TensorFlow is a multilayered Machine Learning construct (which essentially makes it Deep Learning) that is light enough to power apps and run on mobile devices. 

I have said here before that we are in the midst of a cognitive computing explosion and this is the perfect example why. When our devices become intelligent (at about a four-year-old's level so AJ Kohn's website is in no danger of becoming obsolete just yet: we shall become even more capable. :) 

A brave new world is looming before us.

One more reason to like Google ;)

One more reason to like Google ;)

In literally giving its deep learning technology away, Google believes it can accelerate the evolution of AI

#artificialintelligence   #google  

Originally shared by Phil Soper

True #wow: @Google has opened up its super-secret artificial intelligence technology to the world #deeplearning

The basics of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cognitive Computing and Deep Learning explained by David Amerland

Originally shared by Digital CRM

The basics of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cognitive Computing and Deep Learning explained by David Amerland 

#AI   #deeplearning   #cognitivecomputing   #Digitalcrm

Nigerians Are Building Homes Out Of Recycled Plastic Bottles - Neatorama

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

Nigerians Are Building Homes Out Of Recycled Plastic Bottles - Neatorama

'... When faced with a housing crisis the Nigerian people learned how to build homes out of recycled materials found in abundance at the local dumps, and now they use plastic bottles to build much better homes for themselves.

New vaccine could prevent high cholesterol

Originally shared by Betsy McCall

Online tracking more common than most realize, finds new study | EurekAlert! Science News

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

Online tracking more common than most realize, finds new study | EurekAlert! Science News

'Think of how often sit with your phone, tablet, or computer, quietly shopping or reading the latest headlines. Browsing the internet certainly feels like a solitary activity, but as a new study in the International Journal of Communication reveals, you may be surprised by just how many companies are observing.'

These 50 corporations were monitoring the greatest percentage of third party data from the Alexa top one million sites studied.

#martialarts #karate

#martialarts   #karate  

Originally shared by Margaret Croom

Now this is a life member of the  Self-Rescuing Princess Society !

The Deeper You Go

The Deeper You Go

Diving into the essence of awareness, The Deeper You Go, The Interviews, features the preeminent minds in the debate on consciousness. Through the lens of scientific inquiry, the film makers probe the most fundamental questions on the nature of the self. Is consciousness a byproduct of our brain or is the brain a vehicle for consciousness?

Sounds very interesting, I will check it out soon.

#awareness   #consciousness   #movie

A Thousand Years Ago, the Sun Erupted. If That Happened Now, We’d Be in Big Trouble.

Originally shared by Betsy McCall

7 free machine learning courses.

Originally shared by Wayne Radinsky

7 free machine learning courses. Stanford, Udacity, MIT, Caltech, University Of Washington, University of Maryland, and Carnegie Mellon.

#robotics #economy

#robotics #economy

We have feared that since we arrived in Germany / Europe: the men here are becoming too feminine and we joked that...

We have feared that since we arrived in Germany / Europe: the men here are becoming too feminine and we joked that there must be some hormone in the water. It seems there's really some truth behind it. Maybe people here don't notice because they are seeing the change gradually (like the frog in the boiling water) but who arrives here from abroad can definitely see something is not right. Be careful!

#health #water #wasser #hormones

Are Humans Developing an Emotional Attachment to Robots?

Not sure whether to drink tap water or not.

Not sure whether to drink tap water or not.. how to know the plumbing conditions of the house? Tap water in Germany is good at the source but there's no guarantee it will arrive good at your house.

#health #water #wasser

Moin, Servus und Hallo!

Moin, Servus und Hallo!

Mit #GoogleNow könnt ihr jetzt auch WhatsApp- und SMS-Nachrichten versenden und Anrufe tätigen. Probiert´s doch mal aus: „OK, Google, sende eine WhatsApp-Nachricht"

#OkGoogle #WhatsApp #Hangout #GoogleNow

6 Ways Google's Artificial Intelligence Could Impact Search Engine Marketing

6 Ways Google's Artificial Intelligence Could Impact Search Engine Marketing

#artificialintelligence #google

Life with robots: 'What people enjoy most is avoiding social interaction'

Life with robots: 'What people enjoy most is avoiding social interaction'


I think when robots become self-aware they should definitely have rights.

I think when robots become self-aware they should definitely have rights.

#robotics #ethics #rights #awareness

Ya es una realidad el camión eléctrico ‘cero emisiones’

Originally shared by Ecoinventos

Ya es una realidad el camión eléctrico ‘cero emisiones’

While Amazon doubles its number of warehouse robots to 30K, competing systems emerge | Robohub

Originally shared by Sabine Hauert

Google “Project Wing” drone delivery taking flight in 2017 - SlashGear

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

Google “Project Wing” drone delivery taking flight in 2017 - SlashGear

'Despite growing concerns over safety, privacy, and legality of drones, it seems that Google will still be pushing through with a drone-powered service of its own in two years' time. After all, since when did similar concerns stop Google from pushing through with its completely autonomous self-driving cars? Apparently, Google plans to commercially launch its drone delivery service, currently codenamed "Project Wing" by 2017. That is according to David Vos, and he should know, since he's the current project leader for the rather surprising venture from Google.'

‘Project Wing’ is Google’s plan for same-day drone delivery - SlashGear

'... Project Wing is believed to be Google’s delivery drone program, conceived and tested at Google’s X Labs in Mountain View. This drone program has reportedly been in the works for two years, with test flights happening in Australia due to that country’s more relaxed view on unmanned aircraft.

The drone delivery system is designed to bring packages right to you. Flying vertically as well as horizontally, each drone is outfitted with a zip-line for your package. Once overhead, it drops the package, slowing the delivery as it nears the ground. It’s as if your package is rappelling down to the ground next to you. The package container rescinds back to the drone when your package is left, and away it goes.

Skype co-founders build delivery bot that rides on sidewalks

Originally shared by Engadget

Skype co-founders build delivery bot that rides on sidewalks

How USB charging works, or how to avoid blowing up your smartphone | ExtremeTech