
Showing posts from March, 2014

#geneticallymodified #germany

#geneticallymodified   #germany  

Originally shared by Greenpeace Deutschland

Geflügel: Welcher Supermarkt produziert ohne Gentechnik?

Aldi und Lidl führen das skrupellose Spiel um das billigste Huhn und Ei an. Billige Ware, billige Produktion: Und so landet Gen-Soja im Futtertrog. Wir haben bei zwölf Supermärkten nachgefragt, ob Gentechnik bei der Herstellung von Geflügel-Produkten eingesetzt wird. Nur Rewe und tegut garantieren, Gentechnik auszuschließen. Die komplette Umfrage findet ihr hier:

Das Argument, es gäbe nicht genügend gentechnikfreies Tierfutter, stimmt nicht: Im Vergleich zur Vorsaison gibt es nach Angaben des brasilianischen Verbandes der Produzenten gentechnikfreier Soja (Abrange) zehn Prozent mehr gentechnikfreie Soja.

Uns schmeckt das nicht: Die Supermärkte müssen den Wunsch der Verbraucher umsetzen und gentechnikfreie Ware anbieten! Weitere Infos:

#technology #humor

#technology   #humor  

Originally shared by Dom Armstrong

Best use of transparent screen tech!



Originally shared by Singularity 2045

"As cognitive computing or artificial intelligence grows in capability, what skills should humans acquire? According to AlchemyAPI CEO Elliot Turner, we will need to shift our educational focus away from the kind of stuff that computers can do better."




Originally shared by Polynomial -C

#vegetarian #vegan #evolution

#vegetarian   #vegan   #evolution  

Originally shared by Sean P. O. MacCath-Moran

+Eve Volve: "Meat allowed us to evolve"

Really? I think you're mistaken to believe this is a certainty, but what causes you to believe this is so, +Eve Volve?

As I understand it, there have been healthy, thriving vegetarians and vegans for as long as there have been humans. Some were so due to moral or ethical concerns, others due to resource utilization issues, others due to cultural taboos. All other factors being equal, the veg(etari)ans have thrived, and continue to do so.

For some more recent historical examples of vegans, we can look at Pythagoras, the "Pythagoreans" (as vegans were called for the following 1300 years), along with a plethora of like-minded contemporaries (e.g. Buddhists, Jainists, et al., have been doing grand as veg(etari)ans since around the 6th century BCE. Prior to this, there's compelling reason to believe that most people were vegan anyway (ref. =o)

+Eve Volve: "Those animals were bred to be eaten"

I'm not sure what the reasoning here is. This would be like saying that if I raise a dog specifically to use it in dog fighting, that it's OK to torture and kill that dog in dog-fights since that's what I raised it for. Of course, no reasonable person would support such an excuse, and it can't reasonably be used to explain away our doing so to other animals.

+Eve Volve: "A lot of farmers make most of their money from selling animal products."

So... You're saying that if something makes money, it's therefor a moral action? That's just silly. Besides, they could engage in farming activities which don't hurt or kill sentient beings and make money as well.

+Eve Volve: "People not eating meat is not gonna stop people from producing meat... cause people like me still eat it."

Meh - I grew up on a farm where I was personally raising, killing, and butchering cows, pigs, chickens, goats, et al. You are people like me, +Eve Volve, and I'm sure that you and I have very similar values where it comes to not causing needless pain and suffering in the world. I have faith in your innate humanity, so unless you're a diagnosed sociopath, I trust that you will react the same as I have once you realize how horrific the act of needlessly killing (not to mention torturing) sentient beings is -- which is exactly what one is forcing on the world by deciding to eat animals.


This post is one in a series in which excerpts of discussions on veganism from other threads are reposted (or paraphrased) for the sake of expanding the conversation. As always, your thoughts and questions are welcome. See the full collection via the  #spommveganchats  hash (or perhaps with a more robust search, such as ).

(for anyone requiring/desiring more context, the original conversation can be found at )

#evolution   #meat   #vegan

This is awesome :)

This is awesome :)

BBC news will broadcast from UWE in Bristol tonight

BBC news will broadcast from UWE in Bristol tonight

BBC is filming live from my lab tonight at 6 pm, check it out if you want to know more about the Bristol Robotics Lab. 

BBC anchors will be stepping out from behind their news desks to broadcast from the Bristol Robotics Lab (BRL) at UWE this evening.

The special report, which will feature on the BBC News at Six, is the last in a three-part series of pre-budget features on hi-tech innovation - fronted by BBC News at Six anchor, George Alagiah and chief economics correspondent Hugh Pym.

BRL, which is the largest multi-disciplinary lab in the UK and a shared facility between UWE and the University of Bristol, was approached by BBC News at Six producers who decided UWE would be the ideal location to film the feature about developments in technology.

#bbc   #brl   #robotics   #uwe   #bristol   #bbcnews

#technology #future

#technology   #future  

Originally shared by David Fuchs

Mind-to-mind thought talking possible by 2030, scientist says

Today we enjoy basic conversations with our smart phone, desktop PC, games console, TV and soon, our car; but voice recognition, many believe, should not be viewed as an endgame technology. Although directing electronics with voice and gestures may be considered state-of-the-art today, we will soon be controlling entertainment and communications equipment not by talking or waving; but just by thinking!

#BCI   #Braincomputerinterface   #cat  

#humor #geek

#humor     #geek

Originally shared by TechLila

Programmers' wife :D

#lego #art

#lego #art

Originally shared by Annika “Skywalker” O'Brien

#LEGO #Art