
Showing posts from May, 2014

#robotics #roomba #telepresence

#robotics   #roomba   #telepresence  

Originally shared by Alfred Poor

This is a clever idea. This group of Japanese roboticists have created a Kickstarter project that lets you convert a Roomba and Android tablet into a mobile telepresence robot. The kit costs $170, and I've found Roombas and tablets going for less than $100 on Craigslist. You could have your own robot for about $300 to $400, which lends credence to the inventors' claim that their Telemba is the world's cheapest telepresence robot. And best of all, the system relies on the free Google Hangout video conferencing service, so it costs nothing to operate beyond having a broadband Internet connection.

A clever hack that opens the door to low-cost communications, the Telemba project is a great example of the creative spirit that is alive and well in the technology world these days.

If you have a Chromecast, do yourself a favour and try Videostream.

If you have a Chromecast, do yourself a favour and try Videostream.

I've been using and enjoying my Chromecast ever since they were first released. But with the release of Videostream the humble little Chromecast just became a whole lot more useful. For those who don't know, a Chromecast is simply a little HDMI dongle that connects to your wireless network and which you plug into your TV; once set up you can send or "cast" YouTube videos, Google Music, etc to your TV. You can grab a Chromecast from the Play Store

Videostream is a Web App that you can add to Chrome browser here Once running in your browser Videostream connects to your Chromecast (so long as you're running on the same WiFi network) and allows you to select videos and movies stored on your computer (or a connected external HDD) and cast them straight to your TV. It buffers for a couple of seconds but then, in my experience, runs and plays perfectly with no noticeable degradation in image quality as far as I can tell. 

Even better, when you install Videostream the Android App you have a simple and convenient remote control for movie playback on your phone. 

The whole system is simple, easy to set up and, for me at least, really reduced the friction I encounter in this form of media consumption. 

#chromecast   #videostream   #media

It isn’t enough that he holds a Ph.D.

It isn’t enough that he holds a Ph.D. in Robotics from Carnegie Mellon or that his first novel, "Robopocalypse" was optioned for the screen by Spielberg. May 31 season finale guest Daniel H. Wilson is also a very nice man who has the ability to build a robot that can cook you dinner or take over the world. His latest book is "Robogenesis." Tickets:



Originally shared by Fraunhofer IPA

Das Meister-Lehrling-Prinzip bewährt sich nicht nur im Handwerk; auch Roboter sind lernfähig. Im Rahmen des EU-Forschungsprojektes »PRACE« haben unsere Wissenschaftler ein zweiarmiges Robotersystem entwickelt, das sich bestimmte Tätigkeiten durch Demonstration selbst aneignet: Ein Werker führt die Bewegung vor, der Roboter verfolgt die Ausführungen und kategorisiert das erlernte Wissen in seiner Datenbank. Auf diese Weise entsteht ein mobiler Produktionsassistent, der Handling- und Manipulationsaufgaben übernehmen kann. Kosten werden gesenkt und die Flexibilität erhöht.
Für welche Art von Unternehmen sich » PRACE « besonders eignet, wo er sich einsetzen lässt und welche Technologien dahinter stehen, zeigen wir Ihnen von 3. bis 6. Juni auf der #Automatica 2014 in München.

Mehr über das Forschungsprojekt » PRACE« erfahren Sie hier:

#Robotik #Automatisierung

#technology #telekinesis

#technology #telekinesis

Originally shared by Singularity 2045

Intelligent brain-computer-interface is able to learn.

Institute of Engineering and Technology: "Currently, the system can learn up to 90 per cent of common instructions such as controlling a wheel chair and navigating it around a room."

PhysOrg: "Systems able to process thoughts and translate them into a command to move objects are very useful for people who cannot speak or move, but have the disadvantage of causing mental fatigue. However, a Mexican researcher designed an intelligent interface that is capable of learning up to 90 percent of the user's instructions thus operate autonomously and reduce fatigue."



Originally shared by David Fuchs

Prof. Stephen Hawking on Artificial Intelligence. Nuff said ...

#humor #geek

#humor   #geek  

Originally shared by Irreverent Monk

Caution!  Wet Floor!

Also - Nerd Alert! :)