
Showing posts from December, 2015

It's been a big problem in Brazil.

It's been a big problem in Brazil.. specially the side effects after people are recovered, like women having kids with brain problems.

Originally shared by New Scientist

In May last year, this virus made landfall in Brazil and has since spread to nine more countries, as far north as Mexico.

IHS predicts these global technologies will dominate 2016

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

IHS predicts these global technologies will dominate 2016

' ... In its 2016 global technology trends outlook report, research firm IHS has listed several key themes that are likely to dominate the landscape. ...'

1. Thinner, lighter, flexible displays ...
2. Wearable earbuds ...
3. Mobile networks will evolve ...
4. Sensors become widespread ...
5. Security and data mining take center stage in the cloud ...
6. Semiconductor makers consolidate ...
7. Internet of Medical Things ...
8. The Connected Home ecosystem grows ...
9. Cyber conflict between the East and West ...
10. From cord-cutting to virtual reality ...
11. Facebook to dominate mobile advertising ...
12. Tech companies to drive the push for driverless cars ...
13. Solar energy will light the way ...

It should be an obvious no-brainer to connect #artificialintelligence (AGI, super-AI, or perhaps narrow-AI alone)...

Originally shared by Singularity 2045

It should be an obvious no-brainer to connect #artificialintelligence (AGI, super-AI, or perhaps narrow-AI alone) to the end of capitalism.

First there will be #BasicIncome (UBI, Citizens' Income) then everything will be free. More and more people are starting to connect basic income to AI.

Generally the commentators continue to cling to the idea of new jobs being created, in tandem with the existence of basic income, but I expect sometime between 2020 - 2025 they will start to recognise how employment does not need to be eternal because we can create sufficient intelligence for everyone to have everything they need for free (Post-Scarcity).

The Next Web wrote (30 Dec 2015): "Still, with self-driving vehicles looking likely to wipe out most professional drivers’ jobs in the next few decades, it makes sense to be prepared. That’s why AI experts suggest that a basic income might be worth further exploration."

The Next Web ended their article by stating: "Then there’s the timing of all these hypothetical events. While self-driving cars are gradually becoming a reality, AI experts are divided over how fast they expect technology to develop to a stage where the majority of our jobs are at risk – it could be a long time, as the technological problems behind artificial intelligence are really hard."


The World's First Climate Refugees

Originally shared by michael barth

Can a Plant Remember? This One Seems to—Here’s the Evidence – Phenomena: Curiously Krulwich

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

Can a Plant Remember? This One Seems to—Here’s the Evidence – Phenomena: Curiously Krulwich

'... so what Gagliano wondered was: If she dropped 56 plants 60 times each, would these plants eventually realize nothing terrible was going to happen? Would any of them stop curling?

Or, to put it another way: Could a plant use memory to change its behavior?

To find out, she kept going with her experiment. And, as she writes in her paper, fairly quickly “observed that some individuals did not close their leaves fully when dropped.” In other words, plants seemed to figure out that falling this way wasn’t going to hurt, so more and more of them stopped protecting themselves—until, as she later told a room full of scientists, “By the end, they were completely open … They couldn’t care less anymore.”

"Es ist nicht wichtig, was du zwischen Weihnachten und Silvester isst, sondern was du zwischen Silvester und...

Originally shared by GREENSOUL - Natural Detox

"Es ist nicht wichtig, was du zwischen Weihnachten und Silvester isst, sondern was du zwischen Silvester und Weihnachten isst."
Und genau deswegen starten Katrin Schäfer und Daniel von @bevegt am 1. Januar, also übermorgen, ihr erstes Selbstexperiment für 2016 und werden einen Monat lang keinen Zucker essen.

Ich finde die Idee prima!
Hast Du vielleicht auch Lust, mitzumachen? Alle Infos zu dem Zuckerfrei-Experiment findest Du in dem neuesten Post der beiden auf beVegt.

#bevegt #zuckerfrei #challenge

Untreatable Form of Gonorrhea May Show Up in the U.S.

Originally shared by Before It's News

Untreatable Form of Gonorrhea May Show Up in the U.S.

Here’s the good news about gonorrhea: It’s still a treatable sexually transmitted infection.

The bad news: It may not be for much longer.

Cases of antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea have been found in other parts of the world, including the UK, where the country’s chief medical officer Dame Sally Davies warned about the rise of “super gonorrhea” in a recent letter to physicians and pharmacies.

The highly adaptable disease, which has been around for more than 2,000 years, once responded to a range of antibiotics.


Augmented reality fight scene using the #Unreal Engine 4 to render it.

Originally shared by Jason Mayes

Augmented reality fight scene using the #Unreal Engine 4 to render it. Pretty awesome. A taste of things to come in the not too distant future. Learn more:
Hat tip to prosthetic knowledge for the share.

In-situ vaccination of plant virus destroyed cancer tumors while triggering natural immune response

Originally shared by Futuristech Info

In-situ vaccination of plant virus destroyed cancer tumors while triggering natural immune response

R.I.P Ian Murdock.

Originally shared by The Hacker News

R.I.P Ian Murdock. Goodbye friend, the most significant contributor to #Debian #Linux Community, Our beloved Ian 😓 😥 😥

Bits from Debian - Debian mourns the passing of Ian Murdock

Originally shared by Debian

Another line of attack against cancer being explored. Fascinating.

Originally shared by Simon Green

Another line of attack against cancer being explored. Fascinating.











It doesn't sound like a good idea..

It doesn't sound like a good idea..

#robotics #nature



#health #science #neuroscience #fasting

#health #science #neuroscience #fasting

Two new pieces of software that run on mobile phones but think a little like driverless cars have been developed.

Originally shared by Wayne Radinsky

Two new pieces of software that run on mobile phones but think a little like driverless cars have been developed. "The first, called SegNet, can take footage of a street scene from a smartphone's camera and classify it, sorting objects into 12 different categories -- such as roads, street signs, pedestrians, buildings and cyclists."

"The second system uses footage from the street scene to discern where the phone is, using the geometry of buildings and street furniture to discern location. The system has so far been tested in the center of Cambridge, where it's been shown to be 'far more accurate than GPS.'"

No turning back.

Originally shared by Denis Poussart

No turning back.

Technology may help us to increase the quality of life, but it also creates an extremely bureaucratic and...

Originally shared by Next Nature Network

Technology may help us to increase the quality of life, but it also creates an extremely bureaucratic and controlling atmosphere. Time to Save the Humans!

One cartoon that highlights how much public space we sacrifice for cars

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

One cartoon that highlights how much public space we sacrifice for cars

'... As well as being the first country to enforce seatbelt legislation and introduce mandatory front headlights, the Swedish government announced Vision Zero in the 1990s - a commitment to ensure there are no traffic-related deaths on its roads.

To accompany this focus on safety, and its general relationship with cars, the government's transport department commissioned this illustration, by Karl Jilg, to demonstrate how much public space we cede to cars:
As Vox notes, "By depicting roads as chasms and crosswalks as rickety planks spanning them, [Jilg] shows just how lopsided the the proportions of a normal urban street corner really are."

VIDEO: Meet Moley - The spectral robotic arms that can cook and clean for you

Originally shared by Futuristech Info

VIDEO: Meet Moley - The spectral robotic arms that can cook and clean for you

My desk was just outside the "window". (They are in a house mounted inside #BRL for training robots).

My desk was just outside the "window". (They are in a house mounted inside #BRL  for training robots).

Originally shared by UWE Bristol (University of the West of England)

The first @TEDx talk delivered by robot proxy

View of the Bahamas from the Cupola aboard the ISS

Originally shared by Pierre Markuse

View of the Bahamas from the Cupola aboard the ISS

In this image you can see a colorful view of the Bahamas from Space, taken by NASA astronaut Scott Kelly ( from aboard the International Space Station (ISS).

The Cupola with its seven windows was built by ESA ( The circular 80 centimeters (31 inches) window is the largest ever used in space. More information here:

Year in Space

Scott Kelly is currently on a one-year mission in space, joined by Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko ( By extending the mission time from the usual six months to one year the researchers hope to better understand how the human body reacts and adapts to long-duration spaceflight. More on that here:   

Scott Kelly frequently posts pictures from space on his Twitter, follow him here:

Image credit: Bahamas from Space NASA/Scott Kelly

#space   #cupola  #bahamas   #yearinspace #iss #earth #internationalspacestation #scottkelly #photography

Atualmente a pecuária ocupa 60% das áreas desmatadas, e ela foi uma das maiores causas da destruição de nossas...

Originally shared by Greenpeace Brasil

Atualmente a pecuária ocupa 60% das áreas desmatadas, e ela foi uma das maiores causas da destruição de nossas florestas este ano. Precisamos mudar sua cadeia de produçõa! Exigir o #DesmatamentoZero dos supermercados e dos seus fornecedores já é um passo importante. Precisamos da sua ajuda para acabar com esse crime:

Complete List Of Cancer Fighting Foods

Originally shared by Simonne Lancaster

Complete List Of Cancer Fighting Foods

#health #healthyeating #healthyliving #eatright #cancer #food

How to Grow Mushrooms

Originally shared by Skills for Survival

How to Grow Mushrooms

Want to lose abdominal fat, get smarter and live longer?

Originally shared by Derya Unutmaz

Want to lose abdominal fat, get smarter and live longer? New research led by USC’s Valter Longo shows that periodically adopting a diet that mimics the effects of fasting may yield a wide range of health benefits.

In a new study, Longo and his colleagues show that cycles of a four-day low-calorie diet that mimics fasting (FMD) cut visceral belly fat and elevated the number of progenitor and stem cells in several organs of old mice — including the brain, where it boosted neural regeneration and improved learning and memory.

Boston Dynamics is ready for Christmas yay

Originally shared by Alina Basova

Boston Dynamics is ready for Christmas yay


Originally shared by null

National Park
U. S. A.

That's pretty interesting!

Originally shared by Kevin C. (KevinC)

That's pretty interesting!

Ultralight backpacking tips.

Originally shared by Skills for Survival

Ultralight backpacking tips.

Health Benefits Of Living Off The Grid :


Originally shared by Interesting Engineering

15 houseplants for improving indoor air quality

Cleaning with Vinegar: Laundry, Floors, Windows and Walls, Kitchen

How to Stop Secondhand Smoke Coming Into Your Apartment: 8 Steps

#robotics #germany

#robotics #germany

Floating architecture will offer "an improved way of living"

Originally shared by michael barth

Max Tegmark, Stuart Russell, Ray Kurzweil and other debated AI and the Singularity at this year's Nobel Prize event...

Originally shared by 33rd Square

Max Tegmark, Stuart Russell, Ray Kurzweil and other debated AI and the Singularity at this year's Nobel Prize event in Gothenburg.

Check out the One Million Stars project - a beautiful online web experience to explore the galaxy around us.

Originally shared by Jason Mayes

Check out the One Million Stars project - a beautiful online web experience to explore the galaxy around us. Use the slider along the bottom and click and drag elsewhere to rotate.

OpenAI began with the big picture in mind: in 100 years, what will AI be able to achieve, and should we be worried?

Originally shared by Singularity Hub

OpenAI began with the big picture in mind: in 100 years, what will AI be able to achieve, and should we be worried?

Did you know that end of April 2016, there will be another drop in #roaming charges when travelling in the #EU?

Originally shared by European Commission

Did you know that end of April 2016, there will be  another drop in #roaming charges when travelling in the #EU?
And in June 2017, roaming surcharges will finally be abolished in the EU!!vk88wh

#digitalsinglemarket #traveltips

#robotics #swarmrobotics #brl #bristol #uwe #happyholidays

#robotics   #swarmrobotics   #brl   #bristol   #uwe   #happyholidays  

Originally shared by Sabine Hauert

Our Swarm Holiday Wishes!

Abnehmgeheimnis gefunden: Forscher finden Fett-verbrennendes Gen

Scientists Ponder How to Create Artificial Intelligence That Won’t Destroy Us

#robotics #starwars #bb8

#robotics #starwars #bb8

Humans Are Slamming Into Driverless Cars and Exposing a Key Flaw

Schwer heben, ohne dabei Verletzungen zu fürchten – das ermöglicht unser neues #Exoskelett für die #Montage und...

Originally shared by Fraunhofer IPA

Schwer heben, ohne dabei Verletzungen zu fürchten – das ermöglicht unser neues #Exoskelett für die #Montage und #Logistik. Besonderer Vorteil: Das System unterstützt den Mitarbeiter, ohne seine Bewegungsfreiheit einzuschränken. Ab Januar ist das Exoskelett auf der @DASA– Arbeitswelt-Ausstellung in Dortmund zu sehen.

Tony Blair warns we must 'prepare' for artificial intelligence

Originally shared by John Rodrigues

Geflügelpest in Roding: Fast 13.000 Vögel werden gekeult - trotz Entwarnung - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Erstmals Alarmstufe "Rot" ausgerufen

Khosla is More Afraid of Gene-Editing Tech Than AI

China Aims to Retool Its Manufacturing Industry with Robots | MIT Technology Review

Meet the Japanese robots that do what humans can't

#water #wasser #hormones #medicine

#water #wasser #hormones #medicine

Advanced Anti-Aging Clinics Are Redefining the Definition Of "Growing Old"

Originally shared by michael barth

Russia and Europe Want a Moon Colony—Why Is NASA So Focused on Mars? - Singularity HUB

Originally shared by michael barth


Originally shared by michael barth

After Robots Take Our Jobs, What Will We Buy in a Society Without Money? | Big Think

Originally shared by michael barth

These Three Companies Want to Use A.I. to Help Humans Live Forever |

Originally shared by michael barth

This is the biggest shift going on in artificial intelligence

Originally shared by michael barth

Gene Drives Could Wipe Out Insect-Borne Disease — But What’s the Price? - Singularity HUB

Originally shared by michael barth

How YOU can live till you're 150, by JANE FRYER

Originally shared by michael barth

Surrogates are coming..

Surrogates are coming..

Originally shared by michael barth

World’s largest cloning factory in China set to produce cattle, racehorses and sniffer dogs

Originally shared by michael barth

Sponge made from layers of nanosheets shows promise in soaking up oil spills

Originally shared by Gizmag

Sponge made from layers of nanosheets shows promise in soaking up oil spills
Five years on and questions still remain over the Deepwater Horizons oil spill, where millions of gallons of crude oil were spewed into the Gulf of Mexico. Perhaps the most pressing is how oil might be best cleaned up should such an environmental catastrophe occur in the future. A team of Australian researchers claims to have found an answer, developing a special porous material that is claimed to soak up to 33 times its own weight in oil and organic solvents.

IBM has open-sourced a machine learning system called SystemML.

Originally shared by Wayne Radinsky

IBM has open-sourced a machine learning system called SystemML. "ML algorithms are expressed in a R or Python syntax, that includes linear algebra primitives, statistical functions, and ML-specific constructs. This high-level language significantly increases the productivity of data scientists as it provides (1) full flexibility in expressing custom analytics, and (2) data independence from the underlying input formats and physical data representations. Automatic optimization according to data characteristics such as distribution on the disk file system, and sparsity as well as processing characteristics in the distributed environment like number of nodes, CPU, memory per node, ensures both efficiency and scalability."

Custom AI Programs Take on Top Ranked Humans in StarCraft

Originally shared by Automaton, IEEE Spectrum's Robotics Blog

ELROB 2016: Europe’s toughest & longest-running field robotics event is turning 10 | Robohub

Originally shared by Sabine Hauert