It should be an obvious no-brainer to connect #artificialintelligence (AGI, super-AI, or perhaps narrow-AI alone)...

Originally shared by Singularity 2045

It should be an obvious no-brainer to connect #artificialintelligence (AGI, super-AI, or perhaps narrow-AI alone) to the end of capitalism.

First there will be #BasicIncome (UBI, Citizens' Income) then everything will be free. More and more people are starting to connect basic income to AI.

Generally the commentators continue to cling to the idea of new jobs being created, in tandem with the existence of basic income, but I expect sometime between 2020 - 2025 they will start to recognise how employment does not need to be eternal because we can create sufficient intelligence for everyone to have everything they need for free (Post-Scarcity).

The Next Web wrote (30 Dec 2015): "Still, with self-driving vehicles looking likely to wipe out most professional drivers’ jobs in the next few decades, it makes sense to be prepared. That’s why AI experts suggest that a basic income might be worth further exploration."

The Next Web ended their article by stating: "Then there’s the timing of all these hypothetical events. While self-driving cars are gradually becoming a reality, AI experts are divided over how fast they expect technology to develop to a stage where the majority of our jobs are at risk – it could be a long time, as the technological problems behind artificial intelligence are really hard."



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