

Originally shared by David Fuchs

Prof. Stephen Hawking on Artificial Intelligence. Nuff said ... 


  1. This article is too simplistic. Comparison with childhood is interesting but he doesn't think about AI model which will be used. AI will not be inevitably based on human model. An AI can be based on virus, insect etc models... In our society which is still primitive with her wars, crimes, financial market and her modern slavery, religion, nationalism, ecology... AI can out perform some of this bad fields. AI is not the real problem, humanity is it. So who will decide which model is the right one?  An AI developped in army research could be sign human extinction in the worst case

  2. I like the idea of merging of the AI with us and the idea of AI as children. but what if it figures our ideals e.g. space exploration not worth persuing?


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