We have feared that since we arrived in Germany / Europe: the men here are becoming too feminine and we joked that...

We have feared that since we arrived in Germany / Europe: the men here are becoming too feminine and we joked that there must be some hormone in the water. It seems there's really some truth behind it. Maybe people here don't notice because they are seeing the change gradually (like the frog in the boiling water) but who arrives here from abroad can definitely see something is not right. Be careful!

#health #water #wasser #hormones


  1. You're not imagining it, and it's not just from the source listed in the article. There are a lot of chemicals that mimic female hormones. Unfortunately a lot of them are ending up in our environment and food and water supplies.
    Another big offender is Soy. The reason most treatments for menopause symptoms are Soy based is that Soy contains plant estrogens that also work as estrogens in the human body. If you look at food labels, nearly everything contains some sort of Soy product. The levels add up until it's like everyone is taking hormone therapy. This also explains the data showing that girls are physically maturing faster/earlier since in their case the hormones are normal, but external and at higher levels much younger rather than as a part of natural development. Girls build up post puberty levels of female hormones in their pre-teens instead of at a natural pace.


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