

Originally shared by SciFi Author: Lacerant Plainer

Bar2-D2 : Bar2-D2 is the complete package. Made by a hobbyist and salesman, Bar2-D2 can serve beers, make cocktails, and wheel over to someone badly in need of some refreshment. It also serves ice!

BaR2D2 is a mobile bar that features a motorized beer elevator, motorized ice/mixer drawer, computerized drink mixing, and sound activated neon lighting. The robot is drivable so you can take the party on the road! It was garage-built in about 8 months.

Article link: http://www.popsci.com/technology/gallery/2013-05/11-robots-will-tend-your-party?image=6

Product details: http://www.jamiepricecreative.com/bar2d2about.html

#sciencefiction #scifi #science #scienceeveryday #sciencesunday #robot #bar #r2d2  


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