

Originally shared by Alex P

A California company procedure changes eyes from brown to blue for only $5000. :) Science is Freedom, the future is now:).  It's natural as technology advances, we will be able to change colors a lot more, not just eye color, but also hair and skin color permanently or for a week only - while you visit a country where everyone looks a certain way - you can take their appearance or get purple eyes and pretend to be from Venus, lol. Today, with contact lenses, you can easily change eye color. http://www.stromamedical.com is the company that does it and they explain that we all have blue eyes. In the case of brown eyes, however, a thin layer of brown pigment covers the front surface of the iris (the colored part of the eye). The Strōma laser disrupts this layer of pigment, causing the body to initiate a natural and gradual tissue-removal process. Once the tissue is removed, the patient’s natural blue eyes are revealed.

Technology will make racism/nationalism outdated, since  shapeshifting weekly (changing eye-hair-skin color, shape... even purple skin with gold stars, lavender eyes with gold pupil, blue hair with orange skin) will be easy; our identity won't be in our appearance, but in our kindness, ♥compassion♥, ☻☼wit☺☻ and ☼intelligence☼; this 4 min video shows Google Director of Engineering Ray Kurzweil talking about the Immortal humans of the futurehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f28LPwR8BdY if we spend trillions lost in (racism, greed, nationalism fueled) war towards Longevity, Immortality.

 Race is a social concept, not a scientific one. - Dr. Craig Venter, one of the first to see biological proof of this by sequencing the human genome. :)  

The New York Times article ► http://www.nytimes.com/2000/08/22/science/do-races-differ-not-really-genes-show.html made it clear even in 2000, after we sequenced the human genome, that race is a social construct, unsupported by scientific data.  

Since 2000, many studies show within the same ethnicity/race there is often far more variation in DNA between  random people than between people of 2 nationalities.  Nationality is a very political social non-scientific label that has no basis in reality, since the nose, eye shape and skin-hair-eye color, appearance are just 0.01% of the DNA.   Science knows of tens of thousands of human genes so far and 3 genes have a role in how much melanin we have in eyes, hair, and skin. A little melanin means white skin, blue eyes, blonde hair; more melanin means darker eyes, hair, skin. :)  It's not worth having wars over such super-tiny differences.  Another article from Washington University highlights the illusion of races being real too ► http://wupa.wustl.edu/record_archive/1998/10-15-98/articles/races.html.  

The future is so raceless :) and peaceful as telepathy, teleportation, shapeshifting will be real and make appearance and nations irrelevant.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKiRDVC97hk is a 2 min video about a nanoconcept of human-human telepathy using physical technology, tiny robots that swim in our blood or brain.  Using the same idea, in the future, holographic computers, made of light and/or energy, could assist our brains to use telepathy and navigate other dimensions.  The video talks about the disposable nanobots [the cellphones of the future] enabling us to become Immortal global telepaths. Computers become smaller, so smartphones will become nanobots. Forget email, texting and phone... telepathy is the future :) see, hear, smell, feel, think what others (who answer your '♥telepathy call♥') ☻☺think-feel-hear-see-smell☺☻, full communication :) Brainwaves can be recognized (every time we speak or think a word, there is a voice or brain pattern), as voice can be today, so telepathy will be natural. We'll even move beyond basic sensory + verbal telepathy to conceptual complex trans-linguistic telepathy allowing us to have a communication ☻a billion times richer and more exact than human languages today☻.

In the coming telepathy age we will communicate thru concepts, colors, images & true sensory information instead of language. It'll be a communication a billion times more exact, as you can get a nuanced version of every 'word' or 'bit of info' encoding. ☻Telepathy allows fast transfer of Immortality technologies, volumes of info as vast as the present internet processed in 1 minute by our new brains.  We'll evolve to use a trans-linguistic high speed telepathy & present human languages will disappear. 

Telepathy will obsolete the monetary system even, as blueprints for 'goods' (things are information patterns) are exchanged freely & as pico-technology materializing centers [within human template] provide ability to re-assemble dirt protons-neutrons into any object. We'll also be able to create perfect weather thru a planetary shield.  Compassion & Peace will prevail♥.  


Teleportation will make fixed physical location outdated and nations will disappear as a result.  Anyone will be able to be anywhere. Professor Zeilinger hopes it will be possible to teleport people in a few decades, as the 7 min video explains: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIzc-qpQbpg Beam me up :). Certainly ☻♥Immortal Humans♥☻ should be able to teleport, why not. :)  Michio Kaku explains more teleportation in this 1 min video ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FqLCLooayM.  Nations and languages will disappear and a multi-planetary Galactic Union of Immortals - GUI :) -  (extended to many planets we will terraform and colonize) will emerge.  


Shapeshifting matter means a tablet will change into an anti-gravity flying belt & we'll overcome the tendency to look at outward appearance - looking instead at Compassionate Intelligence. :) We won't recognize people by their shape, form, gender, height, skin color, which all will be fluid and changeable, but by their kindness & IQ. :)  Here is a shapeshifting gadgets 3 minute video ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ra28zKuRS8s from Intel.  What is more amazing is when we can re-assemble subatomic particles some day, so that we take air, water or anything solid and shapeshift it into any material object or even nutrients in our bloodstream (eliminating the need to eat and fixing all molecular damage, curing all dis-eases, making us ☺☻♥Shimmering Immortals♥☻☺). We will then be able to 'materialize' things out of thin air. :) We will be able to shift our form :), much more than the octopus in this 1 min video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmDTtkZlMwM

Promoting racism or nationalism is very bad karma, as it leads to wars and so much violence.  We can help World Peace arrive faster if we can support the pro-EU parties in Europe, the pro-African Union parties in Africa, the pro-Asian Union parties in Asia, pro-American Union in South-North America, etc,  pro-globalization parties, as we need a globally integrated world to maintain Peace and avoid any major war.  We are Earth Citizens first, national citizens second.  We need keep the planet safe to live in, free from wars.  We can soon replace 200 nations with 4-7 Regional Blocs and then Merge these into a Galactic Union of Immortality-Peace Loving People... :)

Alternatively, we can directly create one day soon a Union that will last longer than this Galaxy itself.  One day all nations can unite into a GALACTIC UNION headquartered in a moving GIGANTIC MOTHERSHIP ORBITING THE EARTH, with other  ♥GIGANTIC SELF-SUFFICIENT MOTHERSHIPS♥ IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM being rotating headquarters after we terraform other planets.  The goal of the ☻♥Immortal Union of Galactic Citizens♥☻ called GALACTIC UNION will be to Promote PEACE AND IMMORTALITY GALACTICALLY.  As this Union becomes super-developed thru the use of selflessness and intellect, others will join and it will bring the birth of A PEACEFUL GALACTIC CIVILIZATION of IMMORTALS.  Within this Galactic Union that aims for Trans-Linguistic Telepathy to replace languages, we will strive for Freedom, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, including the  Pursuit of Immortal Freedom, Immortal Happiness, Immortal Life.  "We, the citizens of the Galaxy, herein birth the Constitution of the GALACTIC UNION of Immortals, aimed to outlast the Galaxy itself...  "  :)


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