#future #machines #biology

#future #machines #biology

Originally shared by Singularity 2045

Machines and biology, is there a difference?

A good update to the linked article would be the information in this post (https://plus.google.com/+Singularity-2045/posts/eXqJpG1vTQZ) regarding DNA robots, DNA Transformers, DNA origami.

Likewise this post (https://plus.google.com/+Singularity-2045/posts/dwLnSQjhofg) regarding 3D chemistry printing, the ability to synthesize then pint rare molecules, could be a good update.

Finally note this post (https://plus.google.com/+Singularity-2045/posts/YJ3Q1hxB6mE) regarding gene-therapy, hacking DNA, to intelligently direct evolution.


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