

Originally shared by Wayne Radinsky

Anti-robot protest held at SXSW. "They are (apparently, seriously) concerned that robots could one day surpass human intelligence and they were genuinely anxious about this."

"He stressed, however the group wasn't against technology per se or even robots and AI, but they wanted to make sure that these technologies were developed in a controlled way."

About a decade ago, I got a tag at a conference that says, "Start kissing robot ass now, you don't want to be on the wrong side when the robots take over." It was obviously meant as humor, but apparently the signs at this protest, which say, "Robots won't care," and the t-shirts, which say, "Stop the robots," are serious.


  1. Robots certainly won't care that they have no imaginary bogey man to worry about. Extreme pessimism seems to come naturally to a non-trivial proportion of the human population.


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