

Originally shared by Before It's News

Artificial sweeteners lead to diabetes and weight gain, more so than sugar http://b4in.org/q8vb

If you’re trying to lose weight, then sugar is one of your main enemies. But everybody wants something sweet once in a while, so artificial sweeteners were invented, and in recent years, they’ve become quite popular. But now, a new study shows that artificial sweeteners are messing with our gut bacteria, also causing high sugar levels in our blood.

This seems pretty weird; our bodies can’t digest artificial sweeteners, so then how is it that they’re causing increased sugar levels? A team from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel found that artificial sweeteners are messing with our stomach’s “fauna” – the bacteria which inhabit our gut -, triggering glucose intolerance in the body – which is the first step towards metabolic syndrome and adult-onset diabetes.

“Our results suggest that in a subset of individuals, artificial sweeteners may affect the composition and function of the gut microbiome,” Eran Elinav, an immunologist and co-author of the study, explained at a press conference.

More   http://b4in.org/q8vb


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