

Originally shared by michael barth

A new era of programmer, who will create the software that powers an artificial intelligence revolution, will look more like a sports coach instructing an athlete or an architect designing the plan of a skyscraper, than the image your mind conjures up when picturing a “software developer”. Systems designed to learn and react to changes in their environment won’t be built by computer science graduates writing lines of code, logical instructions for a computer to execute in a precise order, into a text editor. The next generation of software won’t involve any code at all. Creating software that can solve human problems requires a more human way of teaching computers how to find solutions. The artificially intelligent systems of tomorrow (a tomorrow a lot closer than you probably think) will be taught the same way we teach a toddler to read, or a teenager to drive a car, often with a lot of practice, and a lot more patience.

Since the first programming languages developed over sixty years ago, the method for creating software has remained relatively unchanged. There are reasons however, as to why providing computers with clearly defined text instructions became the status quo for so long. Despite many ideas still used in AI research (such as the modelling of artificial neural networks) being first developed as early as the 1940’s, the computing power available at the time was staggeringly less than is available in even today’s mobile phones. Hardware capable of effectively simulating such networks at scale was still decades away.



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