
Showing posts from July, 2018


Originally shared by Somesh Aggarwal

#ArtificialIntelligence And #Robotics Will Unlock The Galaxies by @sensorsonline

Originally shared by Radius Innovation & Development

#ArtificialIntelligence And #Robotics Will Unlock The Galaxies by @sensorsonline

via reddit (tkr)

Originally shared by heise online

via reddit (tkr)


Originally shared by Ecoinventos


Is the time of the farmer, the teacher, and the laborer over?

Originally shared by RoboGarden Inc

Is the time of the farmer, the teacher, and the laborer over? This popular question has been asked with increasing frequency since the appearance of the Sophia robot, which has been an inspiration to many. Scientists predict that in the future most jobs will be done by robotics. Now is the time to learn programing, which will enable you to code your own robotics and ensure that you can find a job in the future.

Curso gratis y online sobre Huerta Orgánica.

Originally shared by Ecoinventos

Curso gratis y online sobre Huerta Orgánica.

Joining the dots between robotics and cloud computing.

Originally shared by krushna pardhi

Joining the dots between robotics and cloud computing.

"Computer scientists have created an artificial intelligence (AI) that can probe the 'minds' of other computers and...

Originally shared by Wayne Radinsky

"Computer scientists have created an artificial intelligence (AI) that can probe the 'minds' of other computers and predict their actions, the first step to fluid collaboration among machines -- and between machines and people."

"Theory of mind is clearly a crucial ability,' for navigating a world full of other minds, says Alison Gopnik, a developmental psychologist at the University of California, Berkeley, who was not involved in the work. By about the age of 4, human children understand that the beliefs of another person may diverge from reality, and that those beliefs can be used to predict the person's future behavior. Some of today's computers can label facial expressions such as 'happy' or 'angry' -- a skill associated with theory of mind -- but they have little understanding of human emotions or what motivates us."

"The new project began as an attempt to get humans to understand computers. Many algorithms used by AI aren't fully written by programmers, but instead rely on the machine 'learning' as it sequentially tackles problems. The resulting computer-generated solutions are often black boxes, with algorithms too complex for human insight to penetrate. So Neil Rabinowitz, a research scientist at DeepMind in London, and colleagues created a theory of mind AI called 'ToMnet' and had it observe other AIs to see what it could learn about how they work."

"ToMnet comprises three neural networks, each made of small computing elements and connections that learn from experience, loosely resembling the human brain. The first network learns the tendencies of other AIs based on their past actions. The second forms an understanding of their current 'beliefs.' And the third takes the output from the other two networks and, depending on the situation, predicts the AI's next moves."

Wonderful -Amazing

Originally shared by ʀ ᴀ ᴊ ᴀ ɴ ᴍ ᴇ ᴇ ɴ ᴀ

Wonderful -Amazing

Through the Wormhole episode 51 – Can Time Go Backwards ? #science

Originally shared by adrian georgescu

Through the Wormhole episode 51 – Can Time Go Backwards ? #science

We move around in space, but we are stuck in a prison of time moving ever forwards. Einstein said, “The distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.” Is our experience of the ticking clock merely a trick of the…

#Creator, formerly known as #MomentumMachines, is one of a rising new type of automated restaurant, mixing the best...

Originally shared by Rick Li

#Creator, formerly known as #MomentumMachines, is one of a rising new type of automated restaurant, mixing the best of the #techindustry’s software, #robotics, and #artificialintelligence skills with top-tier culinary expertise. The goal is not to automate away humans entirely, but to automate the portion of the restaurant experience that can be done better, faster, and be more cost efficient with machines. Creator joins companies like San Francisco-based quinoa bowl chain Eatsa, pizza-delivery company Zume in Mountain View, CaliBurger parent company and Miso Robotics investor Cali Group, and a smattering of up-and-coming locations around the country like Boston’s Spyce and Seattle’s Junkichi.

The Eatsa experience involves no human beings whatsoever in the standard ordering process and instead lets customers order from an iPad. #Food is prepared partially by automated machines and partially by humans in the kitchen before being placed into mechanized cubbies a customer opens with the tap of a finger on the glass.

#DigitalStrategy #DisruptiveStrategy #DigitalEconomy #DisruptiveInnovation #DigitalDisruption #DisruptiveTechnology #Disruption #Technology #SmartRobots #Robots #Cobots

Get outside TONIGHT to see Mars as it approaches Earth closer than it has been in 15 years!

Originally shared by NASA

Get outside TONIGHT to see Mars as it approaches Earth closer than it has been in 15 years! Here’s what you need to know:

Cloudy skies? Watch it online LIVE NOW:

Will Our Electronics Be 100% Recycled In The Future? | Evolving Science

Originally shared by Mineworx Technologies Ltd.

Will Our Electronics Be 100% Recycled In The Future? | Evolving Science

In the future, plants will be able to create their own fertilizer.

Originally shared by David Strumfels

In the future, plants will be able to create their own fertilizer. Farmers will no longer need to buy and spread fertilizer for their crops, and increased food production will benefit billions of people around the world, who might otherwise go hungry.

These statements may sound like something out of a science fiction novel, but new research by Washington University in St. Louis scientists show that it might soon be possible to engineer plants to develop their own fertilizer. This discovery could have a revolutionary effect on agriculture and the health of the planet.

Heart Health Future - In this article, we’re going to discuss the ten best apps and gadgets that can benefit Your...

Originally shared by Medical Gift Guide

Heart Health Future - In this article, we’re going to discuss the ten best apps and gadgets that can benefit Your heart health and could be the perfect gifts to your friends in the medical field or even for your personal needs.

Technological advancements nowadays have become such a necessity that having specialized apps and gadgets for your every need is a must. From the reliable GPS tracking, the entertaining and useful virtual and augmented reality, we now have apps and…


Originally shared by Andrew Campbell

Need an extra hand?

Originally shared by Jason Mayes

Need an extra hand? Researchers in #Japan have got you covered. No really. This third arm is #brain controlled and can be used to augmented your existing limbs (or replace ones that you may have lost). Amazing.

"As a Japanese, I grew up watching anime like 'Neon Genesis Evangelion,' which depicts a future in which machines...

Originally shared by Wayne Radinsky

"As a Japanese, I grew up watching anime like 'Neon Genesis Evangelion,' which depicts a future in which machines and humans merge into cyborg ecstasy. Such programs caused many of us kids to become giddy with dreams of becoming bionic superheroes. Robots have always been part of the Japanese psyche -- our hero, Astro Boy, was officially entered into the legal registry as a resident of the city of Niiza, just north of Tokyo, which, as any non-Japanese can tell you, is no easy feat."

"It's not that Westerners haven't had their fair share of friendly robots like R2-D2 and Rosie, the Jetsons' robot maid. But compared to the Japanese, the Western world is warier of robots. I think the difference has something to do with our different religious contexts, as well as historical differences with respect to industrial-scale slavery."

"The Western concept of 'humanity' is limited, and I think it's time to seriously question whether we have the right to exploit the environment, animals, tools, or robots simply because we're human and they are not."

"Japanese don't make a distinction between man, the superior creature, and the world about him."


Originally shared by Polynomial -C

Hard-coding a robot to coordinate multiple joints is daunting.

Originally shared by Manuela Casasoli

Hard-coding a robot to coordinate multiple joints is daunting. So computer scientists have turned to machine learning, a field of artificial intelligence (AI) in which computers build skills on their own. Such learning takes time and repetition, however, and robot hardware is slow and breakable. Some researchers instead train algorithms with virtual robots, but reality is always slightly different from simulation.
The new work overcame this “reality gap” by slightly randomizing elements of the simulation during training, such as friction and object size. (Most of the work, in both simulation and reality, was done with a child’s building block with letters on its sides.) They also gave the program short-term memory, so after a few seconds of handling the cube, it got a sense of the block’s exact size and other factors and adjusted for them.

Learning Dexterity:

Self-healing graphene could make robots that fix themselves with water

How Robots That Swap Out Their Own Parts Will Adapt to the World on the Fly

Rolls-Royce may use bug-like robots to assist airplane engine repair

Originally shared by Engadget

Rolls-Royce may use bug-like robots to assist airplane engine repair

Omega 3 supplements have little or no heart or vascular health benefit: review

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

Omega 3 supplements have little or no heart or vascular health benefit: review

'...New evidence published today shows there is little or no effect of omega 3 supplements on our risk of experiencing heart disease, stroke or death.

Omega 3 is a type of fat. Small amounts of omega 3 fats are essential for good health, and they can be found in the food that we eat. The main types of omega 3 fatty acids are; alphalinolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). ALA is normally found in fats from plant foods, such as nuts and seeds (walnuts and rapeseed are rich sources). EPA and DHA, collectively called long chain omega 3 fats, are naturally found in fatty fish, such as salmon and fish oils including cod liver oil.


The Cochrane researchers found that increasing long-chain omega 3 provides little if any benefit on most outcomes that they looked at. They found high certainty evidence that long-chain omega 3 fats had little or no meaningful effect on the risk of death from any cause. The risk of death from any cause was 8.8% in people who had increased their intake of omega 3 fats, compared with 9% in people in the control groups.

M-Disc optical media reviewed: Your data, good for a thousand years

NBC News - Breaking News & Top Stories - Latest World, US & Local News | NBC News

"Every day we are exposed to low levels of hundreds of different manmade chemicals present for example in our food,...

Originally shared by rasha kamel

"Every day we are exposed to low levels of hundreds of different manmade chemicals present for example in our food, consumer products and the air we breathe.

Our environment too is exposed to a near-infinite number of chemical mixtures derived from numerous sources.

However, current safety assessment practice is primarily based on understanding the potential risk posed by single substances rather than their "real life" combinations, thus potential combination effects might be overlooked.

The European Commission's science and knowledge service, the Joint Research Centre (JRC) is investigating recent progress in considering combined exposures to multiple chemicals to help translate best science into best assessment practice. The latest policy brief, Something from nothing? Ensuring the safety of chemical mixtures, puts together issues around the topic, including the specific challenges that will further inform discussions of the working group of Commission services and EU agencies on the combination effects of chemicals".

New research analyzed global pollution statistics and found that pollution particles could be responsible for some 3.

Originally shared by Interesting Engineering

New research analyzed global pollution statistics and found that pollution particles could be responsible for some 3.2 million new cases of diabetes.

Facebook releases 747-page document to answer hundreds of questions from US Congress.

Originally shared by The Hacker News

Facebook releases 747-page document to answer hundreds of questions from US Congress.

Über die Erfolge von KI und Deep Learning dürfen Forscher nicht vergessen, dass echte Intelligenz mehr benötigt als...

Originally shared by Spektrum der Wissenschaft

Über die Erfolge von KI und Deep Learning dürfen Forscher nicht vergessen, dass echte Intelligenz mehr benötigt als nur einen Kopf: Sie braucht einen eigenen Zugang zur Welt.

Wir geben in immer mehr Bereichen an Maschinen ab.

Originally shared by Spektrum der Wissenschaft

Wir geben in immer mehr Bereichen an Maschinen ab. Das eröffnet ganz neue Wege, aber hinterlässt auch ein mulmiges Gefühl. Denn noch können wir ihnen nicht zuverlässig beibringen, Wichtiges von Unwichtigem zu unterscheiden. Wohin entwickelt sich die Robotik? #jetztneu

Our roads have the potential to get smarter by the minute but the challenge will be retrofitting all the roads we...

Originally shared by John Hagel

Our roads have the potential to get smarter by the minute but the challenge will be retrofitting all the roads we already have

Starving after 8 PM? Don’t worry, we have got you covered!

Originally shared by Healthy Living

Starving after 8 PM? Don’t worry, we have got you covered!

#LetsTalkNutrition #StayFit #HungerPangs

For victims of smart home abuse, there's no easy out

Originally shared by Engadget

For victims of smart home abuse, there's no easy out

Medical Facts- Do you know?

Originally shared by WishHealth Pvt Ltd

Medical Facts- Do you know?
#wishhealth #doctors #onlinehealthcheckup #OnlineHealthPortal #bookappointment #onlineappointment #medicalfacts #medicalcheckup #routinecheckup #finddoctor #nearbydoctor #findthebest #Hospital #Healthcareprofessional #getthebest #qualifieddoctor #experienceddoctors #expertdoctors #gocashless #medicaltransaction

AI beats human doctors in neuroimaging recognition contest

Originally shared by Strongford Stearn

A student in Germany has designed an ingenious smartphone case that deploys airbag like springs when the device is...

Originally shared by Android Authority

A student in Germany has designed an ingenious smartphone case that deploys airbag like springs when the device is in freefall — see it in action! #News #Cases

The Process of Building AI Assistant App

Originally shared by SoftMediaLab

The Process of Building AI Assistant App

Virtual assistants are conquering the IT industry. Siri by Apple, Bixby by Samsung, Alexa by Amazon, Cortana by Microsoft, etc. Many companies develop AI assistant apps or customize already existing ones to simplify generic human operations. How to build your own AI assistant step by step?

The Morning After: Testing phones with pop-up cameras

Originally shared by Engadget

The Morning After: Testing phones with pop-up cameras

The science behind the marketing of foods for antidepressant effects:

Originally shared by

The science behind the marketing of foods for antidepressant effects:

VW eQIP Applied Quantum Technology 2018

Originally shared by ophpo

VW eQIP Applied Quantum Technology 2018

"Quantum computers have already proven in a raft of applications that they deliver practical results – in optimizing traffic and routes to escape tsunamis, as well as the air resistance of a car’s rear-view mirrors.

One highly interesting application is simulation of batteries in electric vehicles."

La tala del primer árbol es el comienzo de la civilización humana; la tala del último es su fin. EICHLER.

Originally shared by Ecoinventos

La tala del primer árbol es el comienzo de la civilización humana; la tala del último es su fin. EICHLER.

Thanks to Clinton Hammond

Originally shared by rasha kamel

Thanks to Clinton Hammond
Bassem Rabea
Mona Osman

This is true...

Originally shared by Marianne Hansen

This is true...

This self-driving grocery delivery car will sacrifice itself to save pedestrians...

Originally shared by Emmanuel Taban

This self-driving grocery delivery car will sacrifice itself to save pedestrians

"I have always been curious while reading novels how the characters mentioned in them would look in reality.

Originally shared by Wayne Radinsky

"I have always been curious while reading novels how the characters mentioned in them would look in reality. Imagining an overall persona is still viable, but getting the description to the most profound details is quite challenging at large and often has various interpretations from person to person. Many at times, I end up imagining a very blurry face for the character until the very end of the story. It is only when the book gets translated into a movie, that the blurry face gets filled up with details. For instance, I could never imagine the exact face of Rachel from the book 'The Girl on the Train'. But when the movie came out, I could relate with Emily Blunt's face being the face of Rachel."

"My search for a dataset of faces with nice, rich and varied textual descriptions began." "The Face2Text v1.0 dataset contains natural language descriptions for 400 randomly selected images from the LFW (Labelled Faces in the Wild) dataset."

The project combines the architectures of StackGAN and ProGAN to generate faces.

Supercomputers - All Linux

Originally shared by Johnny Stork, MSc

Supercomputers - All Linux

"The latest TOP500 Supercomputer list is out. What's not surprising is that Linux runs on every last one of the world's fastest supercomputers. What is surprising is that GPUs, not CPUs, now power most of supercomputers' speed."

#technology #linux #opensource #supercomputers

Robotic AI Helping Autistic Kids Read Emotions

Originally shared by Emmanuel Taban

Robotic AI Helping Autistic Kids Read Emotions


Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

... The rules of games like chess and go are prescriptive, somewhat complicated and never change. They are, in the context of AI, “well bounded.” A book teaching chess or go written 100 years ago is still relevant today. Training an AI to play one of these games takes advantage of this “boundedness” in a variety of interesting ways, including letting the AI decide how it will play.

Now, however, imagine the rules of chess could change randomly at any time in any location: Chess on Tuesdays in Chicago has one set of rules but in Moscow there are a different set of rules on Thursdays. Chess players in Mexico use a completely different board, one for each month of the year. In Sweden the role for each piece can be decided by a player even after the game starts. In a situation like this it’s obviously impossible to write down a single set rules that everyone can follow at all times in all locations. This is an example of an unbounded problem. ...