M-Disc optical media reviewed: Your data, good for a thousand years



  1. Who needs optical discs when you have super cheap hard drives?

  2. That was promised for CD's as well...

  3. Stavros Skamagkis who wants to preserve their data for hundreds of years.. Hard Drives fail and don't survive an EMP (unless properly stored)..

  4. Morten Lynge I've always known CDs and DVDs have a "short" life expectation, if it survives more than a decade, it's a win. You can't really rely on more than that. M discs are being tested and surviving all adverse conditions.. but if they will last a millennium, just the future knows...

  5. Jessica Meyer That's why I always have backups on another hard drive. Optical discs are very expensive, store very little data and are very impractical (you need to constantly be inserting and removing them). Hard disks you just insert them once and you are writing lots of data countless times.

  6. I use a RAID-5 NAS, and I should probably move to a RAID-6...


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