"Every day we are exposed to low levels of hundreds of different manmade chemicals present for example in our food,...

Originally shared by rasha kamel

"Every day we are exposed to low levels of hundreds of different manmade chemicals present for example in our food, consumer products and the air we breathe.

Our environment too is exposed to a near-infinite number of chemical mixtures derived from numerous sources.

However, current safety assessment practice is primarily based on understanding the potential risk posed by single substances rather than their "real life" combinations, thus potential combination effects might be overlooked.

The European Commission's science and knowledge service, the Joint Research Centre (JRC) is investigating recent progress in considering combined exposures to multiple chemicals to help translate best science into best assessment practice. The latest policy brief, Something from nothing? Ensuring the safety of chemical mixtures, puts together issues around the topic, including the specific challenges that will further inform discussions of the working group of Commission services and EU agencies on the combination effects of chemicals".



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