
Showing posts from January, 2015

#health #brain

#health   #brain  

Originally shared by null

This is your brain on sugar (via TED-Ed):



Originally shared by michael barth

The future is now.

The future is now.

#robotics #drones

Originally shared by null

#health #brain #neuroscience #intelligence

#health #brain #neuroscience #intelligence

Originally shared by M Christl

Check out this cool infographic about foods that make us smarter! In order for our brain to perform at it's optimal level we need to be eating the right natural foods including good carbs, healthy fats and protein.
#infographic   #naturalfood   #healthyeating

Take care people.. ;)

Take care people.. ;)

#humor   #addiction   #internet   #smartphone   #sleep  

Originally shared by IObit

Just ten minutes



Originally shared by Engadget

DARPA's new tech lets robots learn from YouTube videos



Originally shared by Esben Østergaard

Are #robots stealing #jobs or creating jobs? This question is splitting the nation. Just now, at the World Economic Forum in Davos this topic was discussed. This blogpost is definetely worth reading and might give the answer. What is your opinion on that?
#automation #robotics #technology #cobots

#robotics #future

#robotics   #future  

Originally shared by michael barth

#health #juicing

#health   #juicing  

Originally shared by Lifehacker

Extra micronutrients are nice, but the increased sugar probably isn't worth it.

#robotics #drones

#robotics   #drones  

Originally shared by Automaton, IEEE Spectrum's Robotics Blog

#robotics #robothespian

#robotics   #robothespian  

Originally shared by Robohub

RoboThespian co-hosts new robot documentary from CBC – “Roboticize Me” airs tonight

#robotics #swarmrobotics

#robotics   #swarmrobotics  

Originally shared by Robohub

Swarmbots: James McLurkin on why, how, and when we will see swarm robotics in practice



Originally shared by Singularity 2045

#DRC (DARPA Robotics Challenge).

Over the next five years we should see a relatively rapid acceleration of humanoid #robotics prowess. Androids are becoming very accomplished. Drones will likewise become very sophisticated too.

Daily Mail wrote (20 Jan 2015): "A total of $3.5 million in prizes will now be awarded to the top three finishers in the DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC), the final event of which will be held June 5-6, 2015, at Fairplex in California."

In addition to the #Atlas robot, mentioned in the Daily Mail article, consider #RoboSimian or #Surrogate reported on by Gizmag (31 Dec 2014):

Gizmag: "According to JPL, Surrogate was built using leftover limbs that were spares from the development of RoboSimian for earlier rounds of the DARPA challenge and uses the same basic computer code and its data files for identifying and using tools. Where RoboSimian looks like a nightmarish cross between a chimpanzee and a spider, Surrogate is more roughly humanoid. It stands 4.5 ft (1.4 m) high weighs 200 lb (90.7 kg), has an upright spine, and two arms. It's much more dexterous than RoboSimian and is better at manipulation. However, after six months of construction and testing, it was determined that RoboSimian would represent JPL during the finals next year."

Here is an io9 report from Dec 2013 stating the finals would be in late 2014 but I believe the finals moved to June 2015... io9 wrote: "DARPA launched the challenge as a way to encourage the development of robots that can work with people as they respond to both natural and human-made disasters. The competition consists of both robot systems (Class A) and software teams (Class B and C) — and it's designed to be challenging."

IEE Spectrum wrote (20 Jan 2015), regarding Atlas with fully onboard power supply (no external cords): "We’ve always known that the ATLAS DRC humanoid robot was due for some serious upgrades before the DARPA Robotics Challenge Finals, because having a robot that’s tethered for power and safety is just not in the spirit of what the DRC is all about: moving towards robotic systems that can provide meaningful assistance during a real-world disaster scenario."

IEEE Spectrum wrote (6 Feb 2014): "If Google does indeed remove SCHAFT from the DRC Finals, it will be disappointing not to see the top team participate in what is expected to be a much harder competition—and arguably the most anticipated robotics event ever. But from Google's perspective, it bought SCHAFT as part of a bigger effort, and it might want the Japanese company focused not on rescue robots but, we suppose, on more market-oriented applications. For now, all we can do is wait until we have official word from Google or DARPA."

#DARPA #robots



Originally shared by John Verdon

She's hoe.

#robotics #swarms

#robotics   #swarms  

Originally shared by 卢文杰

100 dancing robots.

#artificialintelligence #robotics

#artificialintelligence   #robotics  

Originally shared by Singularity 2045

Alex Garland rejects AI paranoia.

Alex Garland said, regarding his upcoming film Ex Machina: "People are paranoid about AI and computers in general. I approach it from a slightly different angle because I don't feel paranoid about it."

AIs could be more at risk from humans instead of AIs being a risk to humans. Alex said: ""Personally I think they're in more danger from us. We humans have a history of making catastrophic mistakes, so I think a new consciousness might be better at that than we are."

The BBC reported (24 Jan 2015) how Alex Glarland thinks human level #artificialintelligence will be "benevolent" not a threat. Garland dismissed the views of Stephen Hawking, and said AI consciousness is "around the corner in the same way that a cure for cancer is around the corner."

The film is about the interpersonal dynamics between two human males and one female humanoid-AI-bot (fembot). Descriptions of the film indicate AI rights and questions of sentience are addressed.

#ExMachina #paranoia #fembot #robots #humanoid



Originally shared by Robohub

Robots: Looney the Robot

#artificialintelligence #future #algorithm

#artificialintelligence   #future   #algorithm  

Originally shared by John Danaher

People in this group may be interested in listening to this podcast in which in I am interviewed about the "threat of algocracy". This is a threat that could be posed by the increasing reliance on algorithm-based decision-making by public bodies.

Excellent FAQ about LifeStraw!

Excellent FAQ about LifeStraw!

#lifestraw   #water

I'm tempted! Definitely when I have my own kitchen..

I'm tempted! Definitely when I have my own kitchen..

#gadgets #kitchen #cooking



Originally shared by Singularity 2045

Grow-up Humanity.

It's blunt but true. The hysterical #Singularity #artificialintelligence doom-mongers need to "grow up" according to this article by The Next Web (19 Jan 2015). We have the ability to choose #utopia the article states, but will you make the correct choice?

Here are a few quotes:

"While some of the concerns are valid – for instance some jobs will lose their significance in the long run – it is up to us to decide how we develop ourselves to be relevant in the new machine age."

"The answer lies not in stopping progress but evolving to maximizing the benefits of it."

"Developments in AI can lead us to a human Utopia, but there is a fork in the road, and where we end up will be decided by which road we choose to follow."

#robotics #artificialintelligence

#robotics   #artificialintelligence  

Originally shared by Singularity 2045

Valleywag Gawker (19 Jan 2015) commented on #robotics and #artificialintelligence fear trend at Davos 2015.

"Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking aren't the only ones freaked out about AI and robotics killing us off, apparently. That theme keeps bubbling up everywhere, including at Davos, where theagenda for this week's World Economic Forum contains a bunch of "scary robots and AI" panels sprinkled throughout the week."

Tips for riding on ice and snow

Tips for riding on ice and snow

#tips   #winter   #snow   #bike   #transportation



Originally shared by Ward Plunet

Lifestyle modifications that that may reduce risk of cancer

1. Maintain a "healthy weight

#robotics #videofriday

#robotics   #videofriday  

Originally shared by Automaton, IEEE Spectrum's Robotics Blog



Originally shared by Fraunhofer IPA

Das Forscherteam um den IPA-Wissenschaftler Ulrich Reiser hat die vierte Generation des #Care-O-bot® entwickelt. Der #Serviceroboter soll einmal die Zeitung bringen, Kaffee einschenken oder den Tisch abräumen können. Anders als sein Vorgänger, der mit seiner zurückhaltenden und distanzierten Art eher an einen Buttler erinnert, ist Care-O-bot 4® so zuvorkommend und freundlich wie ein Gentleman. Das Besondere: Sein modularer Aufbau erlaubt es, ihn für spezifische Anwendungen individuell auszurüsten. So bildet das System die Grundlage für kommerzielle Serviceroboter-Lösungen.

Mehr über die erweiterten Funktionen und die technischen Details von Care-O-bot 4® erfahren Sie in unserer Pressemitteilung.

#humor #programming

#humor #programming

Originally shared by Jayesh Saita