

Originally shared by Singularity 2045

Grow-up Humanity.

It's blunt but true. The hysterical #Singularity #artificialintelligence doom-mongers need to "grow up" according to this article by The Next Web (19 Jan 2015). We have the ability to choose #utopia the article states, but will you make the correct choice?

Here are a few quotes:

"While some of the concerns are valid – for instance some jobs will lose their significance in the long run – it is up to us to decide how we develop ourselves to be relevant in the new machine age."

"The answer lies not in stopping progress but evolving to maximizing the benefits of it."

"Developments in AI can lead us to a human Utopia, but there is a fork in the road, and where we end up will be decided by which road we choose to follow."


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