ScienceAlert: The Risks of Advanced AI Are Real. We Need to Act Before It's Too Late, Warn Experts.

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

ScienceAlert: The Risks of Advanced AI Are Real. We Need to Act Before It's Too Late, Warn Experts.


  1. Regardless of what the West does, the Chinese will work feverishly to develop AI to control their people. They will master all the things the West fears that will remove freedoms. The Chinese people really don't care because they don't have the mentality. Then this tech will be unleashed on the West.

  2. "But a failure to implement appropriate controls could lead to catastrophic consequences."
    'Appropriate controls' will not be enough as it would only be able to control the problems we've thought about...
    See the film 'I, Robot' for an example (even if it is a simple one).
    The only way to avoid the consequences are not to implement true AI at all... otherwise, it will happen...


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