No evidence swapping sugar for artificial sweeteners helps weight loss, major review by the University of Freiburg...

Originally shared by Danie van der Merwe

No evidence swapping sugar for artificial sweeteners helps weight loss, major review by the University of Freiburg for World Health Organisation warns

Replacing sugar with artificial sweeteners used in Diet Coke and other soft drinks has no effect on weight loss and their long-term health effects are still poorly understood, a major scientific review has said.

In the largest analysis of the health effects of non-sugar sweeteners to date, German researchers found little robust evidence to support claimed health benefits or to rule out increased harm from long term use.

A small number of studies showed slowed weight gain when sugar was replaced by sweeteners. However, from the 56 studies in the review, this effect was of “low or very low certainty” and there was no evidence that swapping to sweeteners could help obese patients lose weight.

Other studies raised fears that increased artificial sweetener consumption could increase cancer risk, but there was no such link found in the review.

The big takeaway though is there is nothing conclusive so statements saying that replacing sugar with artificial sweeteners should not claiming this is a proven solution.

"But after completing the review, the authors concluded: “No evidence was seen for health benefits from sweeteners and potential harms could not be excluded.”"




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