4 Easy Ways to Cut Down Your Sugar Intake - the body does not need added sugar and it is a primary driving force...

Originally shared by Danie van der Merwe

4 Easy Ways to Cut Down Your Sugar Intake - the body does not need added sugar and it is a primary driving force behind weight gain and Type 2 diabetes

If you’ve vaguely but assuredly “known” that the cause of the obesity epidemic in the United States is fats, you’re not alone.

You are, however, wrong.

The sugar industry has conducted a decades-long blitz to convince consumers that fats — not sugars — are the driving force behind America’s weight problem, The Times’s Op-Ed columnist David Leonhardt writes in their guide to quitting sugar.

But simple carbohydrates, particularly sugar, are the real culprits in the modern diet, and are the driving forces “behind the diabetes and obesity epidemics,” Mr. Leonhardt writes.

Cutting out sugar is easier than it sounds, and it starts with evaluating some of our most basic habits.

Part of the problem with "low fat" processed breakfasts was that by removing the fat they added sugar to make it taste better. I now eat a double fat non-sweetened plain yoghurt and add things like a banana to give it something extra. I ditched all soda drinks and moved to healthy proper ground coffee - which is way cheaper if you buy the beans and grind it yourself instead of going to Starbucks (who by the way sweeten many of their coffees). Basic choices like this go a long way and I have not put back on the 14 kgs that I shed over four years ago.

See some basic ideas at https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/19/smarter-living/4-easy-ways-to-cut-down-your-sugar-intake.html

#sugar #obesity #diabetes


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