Wow, shocked.

Wow, shocked.. #Google+ is closing down.. It's all #Google's fault, it started with so much potential.. it was a great platform, but the updates just made it worse.. Unbelievable how Google has great technology and just lets them go to waste.. pretty sad. RIP #GooglePlus, you shall meet #GoogleWave soon..


  1. I hate google even the search engine has not been right lately.

  2. Nora Qudus exactly, even the search engine is getting worse. I don't think this could be possible, but is this the decline of Google?

  3. Jessica Meyer if it is I will miss it I loved G+ and the search engine the other stuff was not compatible with my browser all the made their they can close down and leave us twisting in the wind

  4. About 2 years ago I took part of a physics class in MITs MOOC. They used G+ for online study groups and question sessions with TAs. I thought it was an amazing use of the technology. Does anyone know where to go for replacing G+. I read my stream every day. I count on it for science news.

  5. Erik Brown that's very interesting, the technology is great indeed, I believe it was just badly administrated/promoted.
    Btw, same here.. I might go back to Twitter (@jessy_meyer) or people are talking about MeWe, so I'll check it out, but not sure about its security.. A social media integrated with the Google environment will certainly be missed.


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