Maybe this could be a good option if Google doesn't offer something similar?

Maybe this could be a good option if Google doesn't offer something similar?

Originally shared by Friends+Me

Hi Everyone,

We've just released Google+ Exporter, an application that helps you to export your Google+ feeds (profile, pages, collections, communities, including all comments) to Wordpress eXtended RSS file.

Another available option is to export all posts published to profile, pages, collections, and communities to JSON file, including all comments!

Transform exported JSON data can into imports for other services, or you can use JSON export as a full generic backup of your posts.

The free version of the application enables you to export up to 3000 posts. You can buy a license key to get unlimited experience.

I would love to know your opinion, suggestions or requests. Thank you!

You can find more detailed info in the blog post

UPDATE: release 1.0.5:

Downloadable from

What's new:
* fixed posts comments download. We recommend re-downloading all feeds to fetch missing comments.
* fixed message compilation for WP export
* WP export now with comments
* export collections and communities separately
* configurable exports, pick whether you want to export private posts and comments

#GooglePlusRefugees #GooglePlus #Google+ #DataLiberation #DataExport


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