I am excited to release our new work as well as our future research platform: The Foldable Drone: a morphing...

Originally shared by Davide Scaramuzza

I am excited to release our new work as well as our future research platform: The Foldable Drone: a morphing quadrotor that can squeeze through gaps, flatten against walls for up-close views, and even grab small objects with rotor arms! The work has just appeared in the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. This new drone has four independently rotating arms that fold around the main frame. To guarantee stable flight at all times, we exploit an optimal control strategy that adapts on the fly to the drone morphology. The experiments were performed using only on onboard visual-inertial sensors and compute. No external motion tracking systems and computers were used. This is great work by my students Davide Falanga Kevin Kleber and our EPFL colleagues Stefano Mintchev and Dario Floreano.

Paper: http://rpg.ifi.uzh.ch/docs/RAL18_Falanga.pdf
Full Narrated Video: https://youtu.be/jmKXCdEbF_E

#drones #computervision #robotics #uav #AI


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