First #Orkut, now #Google+.

First #Orkut, now #Google+.. both great #SocialNetworks from #Google.. no other platform really replaced all functionalities from Orkut and I doubt it will with Google+. No idea where I'm gonna go.. back to #Twitter (@jessy_meyer)? which until last year I thought was dead.. Maybe if Google+ just sticked around it could also resurrect one day.. We need someone from +Google to combine Orkut and the original Google+ to create a new #SocialNetwork asap..

Originally shared by Danie van der Merwe

Google+ now to shut down in April instead of August 2019 - Talk about rubbing salt in the wound!

So most Google+ users have not yet found a suitable alternative judging by constant information exchanges I'm seeing (and I gained another 15,000 followers on G+ in the last two months). This is probably just going to upset users even more now and I've also seen quite a few now rather disillusioned about testing any new Google products out where it means building up data and having to abandon it (not the same say for switching Android keyboards where there may not be so much investment). Most users already left Facebook and have been quite vocal about not moving to Facebook. Seems MeWe and Pluspora have both grown tremendously from the G+ announcement already.

In the light of additional API issues that Google has had, and it throwing the towel in on consumer G+ versus sticking it out like Facebook does, it won't bode well in future for any new social network Google wants to establish. As it is I did not move my photos from Flickr to Google Photos and decided to go for my own hosted service that I fully control.

So there you have it - we have a bit over 4 months of Google+ left... My evenings are probably going to be a lot quieter as I don't have nearly as much interaction across MeWe, my anonymous Facebook Page, Diaspora, Minds, Friendica, Huubzilla, Mastodon, and my own blog all rolled together. Yes G+ has produced the most interesting and challenging interactions every single day with numerous followers.

Well, the sunset is now in sight... much sooner than we expected... One has to wonder how long enterprise Google+ will continue?

See Google's announcement at

#google+ #socialnetworks


  1. A lot of people are moving to MeWe from G+... It's ok.

  2. Morten Lynge I've heard about it from some people.. what about its safety? Well I guess to use solely for technological/scientific information should at least be ok. Shame we will loose the Google integration..

  3. Jessica Meyer - It looks quite safe from the outside, but then again I don't really care that much since I never put anything on social networks that I worry about the wrong people seeing.
    You can't make 'public' posts, since you have to be connected to people for them to see your private posts, or make a post in a group that can only be seen by that group. I'd like it slightly less locked down, but it is still ok.


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