Besides pouncing, purring, and pestering their owners for treats, cats spend much of their waking time licking...

Originally shared by Manuela Casasoli

Besides pouncing, purring, and pestering their owners for treats, cats spend much of their waking time licking themselves. Now, scientists have shed light on how sharp, tiny cones on cats’ tongues give their coats and skin a deep clean, instead of merely spreading their spit around.
The scientists have used the findings to create a “tongue-inspired grooming [TIGR] brush” that mimics a cat’s tongue with 3D-printed papillae embedded in a flexible silicone pad. Compared with a regular, stiff-bristled hairbrush, the researchers say the TIGR brush tugged less as it passed through human hair, and was easier to clean.

Schembri (2018) How do cats stay so clean? Video reveals secrets of the feline tongue:

Noel and Hu (2018) Cats use hollow papillae to wick saliva into fur:


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