To speed up machine learning, Google’s DeepMind simulates the effect of dopamine on the human brain

Originally shared by Ward Plunet

To speed up machine learning, Google’s DeepMind simulates the effect of dopamine on the human brain

Artificial intelligence systems based on deep learning algorithms have shown their ability to outperform real people in all manner of tasks, including classifying images and playing classic board games such as chess and Go. But despite those impressive achievements, deep learning systems still struggle to compete with humans when it comes to the speed at which they can learn new concepts. For example, machine learning algorithms still require hundreds of hours of training to master simple video games such as Breakout and Pong, something the average human can achieve in just a few hours. Google Inc.’s deep learning subsidiary DeepMind Technologies Ltd. believes that the secret behind human’s ability to learn new ideas and concepts so quickly might have something to do with dopamine, a neurotransmitter that’s released by neurons in the brain and is believed to be responsible for emotions, movements and sensations of pain and pleasure. In a paper published Monday in the journal Nature Neuroscience, DeepMind’s researchers talked about the concept of “meta learning,” which is the process of learning from examples and then deriving rules from them over time in order to learn new concepts faster. Scientists believe that meta learning is what allows people to acquire fresh knowledge more easily than computers can, but the process itself is not very well understood.


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