Facebook announces PyTorch 1.0, a more unified AI framework – TechCrunch

Originally shared by Ward Plunet

Facebook announces PyTorch 1.0, a more unified AI framework

Today, the company announced PyTorch 1.0, a new iteration of the framework that merges Python-based PyTorch with Caffe2 allowing developers to move from research to production in a more frictionless way without having to deal with migration. At Facebook, the company’s AI efforts are split between two teams, the Facebook AI Research group (FAIR) and the company’s Applied Machine Learning team (AML). The distinction ultimately boils down to one division researching AI with seemingly limitless computational resources at their disposal and the other looking to implement lightweight machine learning models more suited for consumers. In the past, the former mission has been better-suited for the research-optimized PyTorch while the more resource-efficient Caffe2 framework has made sense for the latter.


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