Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
Originally shared by Curechoices Inc
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! For many of us, the spring already started! While planting outside, how about planting some indoor plants? There are plenty of toxins floating around outside, but we can find plenty of toxins in the air inside your own home as well. The air inside is affected by the cleaning products, formaldehyde found in gas stoves, garbage bags, paper towels, fragrances and many other chemicals we use inside the home. Houseplants are an effective and simple way to purify the air. Here is a list of air purifying houseplants!!
#Curechoices #Houseplants #Indoorplants #Gardening #Garden #Healthychoices #Health #HealthyLiving
Чтоб было, всё по жизни хорошо. И в знаньи сила, вдыхалась глубоко. Чтоб была, настоящая любовь. И совесть мысль, земля и бог.