A new computer model can predict BMI, body fat, and blood pressure levels by looking at a person's face.

Originally shared by Wayne Radinsky

A new computer model can predict BMI, body fat, and blood pressure levels by looking at a person's face. "First, we used photos of 272 Asian, African and Caucasian faces to train the computer to recognise people's body fat, BMI (a measure of body size) and blood pressure from the shape of their faces. We then asked the computer to predict these three health variables in other faces, and found that it could do so."

"The researchers then investigated whether our own brains could detect this health information from a face in a similar fashion. To test this, the researchers created an app that allowed participants to change the appearance of faces according to the computer model." They found "some of the features that determine how healthy a face looks to humans are the same features that the computer model was using to predict body fat, BMI and blood pressure."


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