When Exactly Will Computers Go Ape-Shi and Take Over? | Psychology Today*

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

When Exactly Will Computers Go Ape-Shi and Take Over? | Psychology Today*

'... What's wrong with the idea of an imminent singularity? Aren't computational capabilities exponentially growing?

Yes. And we will, indeed, be able to create ever-rising artificial intelligence.

The problem is, Which more intelligent AI should we build?

In evolution we often fall into the trap of imagining a linear ladder of animals -- from bacteria to human -- when it is actually a tree. And in AI we can fall into a similar trap. But there is no linear chain of more and more intelligent AIs. Instead, there is a highly complex and branching network of possible AIs. For any AI there are loads of others that are neither more nor less intelligent -- they are just differently intelligent. And thus, as AI advances, it can do so in a multitude of ways, and the new intelligences will often be strictly incomparable to one another. ...and strictly incomparable to human intelligence. Not more intelligent than humans, and not less. Just alien.



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