Being open-minded literally changes the way you see the world — Quartz

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

Being open-minded literally changes the way you see the world — Quartz

'Psychologists have only begun to unravel the concept of “personality,” that all-important but nebulous feature of individual identity. Recent studies suggest that personality traits don’t simply affect your outlook on life, but the way you perceive reality.

One study published earlier this year in the Journal of Research in Personality goes so far as to suggest that openness to experience changes what people see in the world. It makes them more likely to experience certain visual perceptions. In the study, researchers from the University of Melbourne in Australia recruited 123 volunteers and gave them the big five personality test, which measures extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience. That last personality trait involves creativity, imagination, and a willingness to try new things.'


  1. well,i am not an expert in this. But i think we may act differently at least a little with different point of view. and depending on what environment we are in and how we go through the environment in these circumstances can also have an effect. These factors in many of such instances can affect what we do.


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