AI, Art & copyright protection

AI, Art & copyright protection
A new and interesting subject with regard to products/work generated by machines, with the help of machine learning. Because in that case the creative spark is not from humans but inside the algorithm. Ofcourse machines usually don't have rights in this regard. But that's not the end of the discussion as this blog illustrates.

Originally shared by Erik Jonker

AI, Art & copyright protection
A new and interesting subject with regard to products/work generated by machines, with the help of machine learning. Because in that case the creative spark is not from humans but inside the algorithm. Ofcourse machines usually don't have rights in this regard. But that's not the end of the discussion as this blog illustrates.


  1. If you give Robots and AI Rights then you place them in a position to actively compete with humans. Except humans can't possibly compete with Robots and AI. Therefore ...

    Good luck with your results there. I'm heading to another planet to watch this play out from afar.

  2. "This would mean they could be freely used and reused by anyone and that would be bad news for the companies selling them. Imagine you invest millions in a system that generates music for video games, only to find that music isn’t protected by law and can be used without payment by anyone in the world."

    Yes, that would be better. Either hire humans, or do not get a copyright. Not having the copyright, btw, doesn't stop you from selling your games and making a handsome profit because you already saved on the cost of hiring humans to do the creative work.

    Be careful about the world you create. It is the only world you have.

  3. There are two kinds of rights: recognition of authorship, not necessarily economic, and profit rights.
    The software or machine creator might be labeled as part of the creation without any financial gain and the user-buyer should get the profits unless otherwise stated.

  4. Machines can't get any money because they are not subjects of rights.


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