The world's first official cyborg: 10 things to know about Neil Harbisson, Lifestyle News & Top Stories - The...

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

The world's first official cyborg: 10 things to know about Neil Harbisson, Lifestyle News & Top Stories - The Straits Times

'Neil Harbisson, the world's first officially recognised cyborg, comes to Singapore this weekend to attend the opening of ArtScience Museum's latest exhibition, Human+: The Future Of Our Species.

The 34-year-old artist, who is completely colour-blind, hears colour with a camera-equipped antenna that is permanently embedded in the back of his skull. The "eyeborg" - as he calls it - was installed in 2004 and turns colours into notes, allowing him even to sense colours beyond human vision, such as infrared and ultraviolet.

Here are 10 interesting facts about him.


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