SciTech Digest - 18/2017.

SciTech Digest - 18/2017.
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Plastic artificial womb, 3D printing buildings, Remote control diabetes cells, Machine learning chemistry, Desktop metal 3D printing, Lyrebird synthetic voices, Ultra neuron mapping, DNA origami sensors, Graphene innovations, All-electric aircraft.

1. Plastic Bag Artificial Womb
Artificial wombs took another step forward with a new system that might allow premature babies to have a high probability of survival from 22 weeks instead of the current 27 weeks, and comprising a plastic bag containing simulated amniotic fluid and various fluid & blood pumps for nutrient and oxygen exchange

2. 3D Printing Buildings
A new 3D building printing system uses a tracked industrial robot arm with different print heads to create complete buildings - including a large dome structure as a proof of concept - and including printing polyurethane foam molds and filling with concrete

3. Smartphone Controlled Diabetes Cells
Genetically engineered cells that produce insulin in response to red light are loaded into implants that can communicate wirelessly with a smartphone to receive signals from a glucose monitor that records the patient's blood in order to remotely control the patient's blood glucose levels This is a fascinating platform that would open up a wide range of different remote engineered cell-based therapeutics.

4. Machine Learning for Efficient Chemistry
Machine learning algorithms can now be used to quickly find the optimal chemical reaction pathway needed to take standard feedstocks and produce particular chemical compounds of interest

5. Desktop Metal 3D Printing
Desktop Metal is a company that has raised $100m and will soon launch it's desktop 3D metal printing device for producing parts that then undergo a microwave sintering process in order to form final metal structures and much more cheaply than other metal sintering processes

6. Lyrebird Synthetic Voice AI
Lyrebird has demonstrated a set of speech processing algorithms that can clone anyone’s voice by listening to just a minute of audio, and also infuse a range of emotions as needed to create the most advanced synthetic voice generator to date

7. UltraTracer Neuron Mapper
UltraTracer is a new neuron tracing or mapping system that massively speeds up the neuron tracing process to handle billions or trillions of voxels This should speed up major brain mapping projects.

8. Plasmonic DNA Origami Sensors
New DNA origami structures respond to environmental cues such as pH to move attached plasmonic nanostructures different distances apart, leading to different and distinct optical signatures being generated to indicate that environmental cue remotely

9. Graphene Currents & Defects
First, electric currents have been precisely mapped in graphene for the first time Second, precise graphene defects enable selective permeability of the membrane to different gases Finally, graphene can withstand high pressures and might enable more productive desalination membranes

10. Electric Aircraft
The Kitty Hawk Flyer is an electric aircraft that has received the necessary approvals for operation in the USA and publicly revealed their working prototype recently Also, Lilium is another all-electric aircraft with approximately 36 motors that has also completed test flights and hopes to go on sale soon


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