Iowa State professor: Technology is great, but are we prepared for the consequences?

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

Iowa State professor: Technology is great, but are we prepared for the consequences? - News Service - Iowa State University

'... In his forthcoming book, “Interpersonal Divide in the Age of the Machine,” Bugeja explores what might happen if we allow machines to dictate our life. Those machines range from smartphones to robotics to virtual reality. Bugeja theorizes that because of our reliance on machines, we will start to develop the universal principles of technology, such as urgency, a need for constant updates and a loss of privacy.

“We are losing empathy, compassion, truth-telling, fairness and responsibility and replacing them with all these machine values,” Bugeja said. “If we embed ourselves in technology, what happens to those universal principles that have stopped wars and elevated human consciousness and conscience above more primitive times in history?”

Interpersonal Divide in the Age of the Machine


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