In the next 10 or so years, your blood will probably be streaming with tiny nanorobots there to help keep you from...

Originally shared by Tech news

In the next 10 or so years, your blood will probably be streaming with tiny nanorobots there to help keep you from getting sick or even transmit your thoughts to a wireless cloud. The future is closer than you may think.
Google’s director of engineering, Ray Kurzweil, is an avid predictor of future events and claims to have a fairly high accuracy rate. He is one of the biggest proponents of the notion that nanobots will be streaming through our blood in the near future. The idea surrounding this prediction isn’t that far off from modern technology.


  1. This may or may not turn out to be a good thing. There's a huge potential for benefit, and a huge potential for harm. It depends entirely on the quality of the people who are developing the technology, and what their actual intentions are. If their intentions are pure with an eye toward personal privacy, security, and a strong determination to ensure that there are no bugs in their software then yes, it could be incredibly helpful and great, provided it is also inexpensive enough for those who are not among the Ultra-Wealthy to afford. Otherwise, um ... yeah ... yeah, I can see a huge potential for "unintended" consequences.


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