Elites Are Orchestrating a Global Catastrophe: “There Are Many Things the President Does Not Know http://rgn.bz/dkuf

Originally shared by Before It's News

Elites Are Orchestrating a Global Catastrophe: “There Are Many Things the President Does Not Know http://rgn.bz/dkuf

Following the money is always the key and crucial element to determining the “probable cause/modus operandi” regarding to globalist actions. Although there are many who believe that President Trump is the panacea to all our problems, even they may perhaps admit that there are forces other than the President that drive our country, as well as the world. The shadowy cabal of globalists, Bilderbergers, bankers, and other secretive organizations bent on a “union” of totalitarian control are almost too numerous to count.

There are many things the President does not know. This is intentional on the part of the moneyed interests that control the very fabric of our society. The interests are corporate, political, and religious: a three-level tier of control over all the facets of human society. Just as one individual person cannot “dominate” one of these sectors, the sectors themselves cannot dominate. They are forced into a symbiotic relationship rooted in commensalism, where each of these “parasites” benefits the other two.

The problem lies in the fact that these interests are elitists who believe in the forced imposition of their philosophies upon the masses. They also believe in “culling the herd,” and maintaining a servile population at minimum levels to carry out all menial labor and industrial production (the Deltas and Epsilons of Huxley’s Brave New World) as they direct. Patiently these elitists have been awaiting the day when their “1984” society is a reality, crafting and shaping it all along throughout the decades.

More http://rgn.bz/dkuf


  1. Those of us who've followed the whole disturbing Shadow Government goals for the better part of two decades aren't surprised that Trump seems to be stymied by globalist interests, and has reversed course on various different campaign promises due to getting stonewalled.

    It's just as with every president. Someone up top is telling them what they are and aren't allowed to do, and interfering with the overall plan won't be allowed.


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