Mars colony: Enhanced super humans could 'colonise Red Planet in next 10 years' | Daily Star

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

Mars colony: Enhanced super humans could 'colonise Red Planet in next 10 years' | Daily Star

'As part of its Journey to Mars, NASA hopes to have humans step foot on the Red Planet by 2030.

But a number of scientists have expressed their concern for just how ordinary humans would deal with the rigours of the mission and the harsh climate.

Cognitive scientist Konrad Szocik believes the colonisation mission could not be done by ordinary humans.'


  1. And come back to take over earth in 20 years. I've seen this movie before. But seriously, yes. We should do that.

  2. I think the writer was smoking something illegal when he came up with that article :-p

  3. hahaha I agree. A planet with almost no water.

  4. The other point is... Going to Mars is as pointless as going to the Moon... It makes no sense to go from the trap of one gravity well (Earth) to the trap of another.
    The value of going to the Moon or to Mars is the PR, nothing else. If we want 'real' value from space exploration, we should be going to the asteroid belts and start extracting resources which could be sent back to Earth orbit, and used to establish an industrial presence there. First aim should probably be solar energy collectors, beaming the energy back to Earth as microwaves. Then expand from there.
    Once we've got the industrial presence there, then we can start thinking about colonising other planetary bodies.

  5. Morten Lynge​​
    I agree. Build the economic infrastructure and all else will follow. I imagine they want to have stable bases on the moon and mars as support for it first though. Also while I agree with microwave solar energy to earth there's also a risk of mishap, deliberate or accidental with that plan which should be addressed.

  6. But bases on the Moon or Mars can't support anything, since they're at the bottom of a gravity well. Support bases are far more suitably placed in the Lagrange points. - Lagrange Points: Parking Places in Space

  7. Of course from an energy Efficiency perspective you're quite right. However it is also likely that human beings will not want to live on a LaGrange point nearly as much as they may prefer to be colonized on the moon or Mars. Of course they could just assign robots to the various tasks necessary to support the industry. But anyway who knows? Maybe it's all just being planned poorly.


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