IBM Will Unleash Commercial "Universal" Quantum Computers This Year - Scientific American

Originally shared by Rob Jongschaap

IBM Will Unleash Commercial "Universal" Quantum Computers This Year - Scientific American

'Hoping that if you build it, they will come, IBM plans to roll out the world’s first commercial ‘universal’ quantum-computing service some time this year, the company announced on 6 March. Named IBM Q, the system will be accessible over the Internet for a fee.

It will not outperform conventional computers, at least not yet. But the company says that the system will be crucial in developing a market for future quantum machines that can handle complex calculations currently out of reach of classical computers. The cloud service is the latest salvo in the heated battle to build a useful quantum computer.


Having access to a system such as Quantum Experience or IBM Q also means that researchers around the world could start working on the unique challenges of quantum programming. This is very different from conventional coding, and requires programmers to understand and adapt to the limitations of physical qubits. In principle, a five-qubit machine is easy to simulate using a classical computer — even a laptop, Monroe says. But real qubits are not so simple.

“The real challenge is whether you can make your algorithm work on real hardware that has imperfections,” says Isaac Chuang, a physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge.


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