I've never understood the desire to upload our minds into a machine - it's our bodies that make our minds human
Originally shared by John Hagel
I've never understood the desire to upload our minds into a machine - it's our bodies that make our minds human
I've never understood the desire to upload our minds into a machine - it's our bodies that make our minds human
I'm not sure I understand the allure of being human. I could say that I like being alive and human but, a more accurate statement would be that I like being conscious and aware of my existence. I like being able to learn and modify my environment. I enjoy the ability to have complex communication with other intelligent beings. If I could keep and enhance all of the other stuff, I would give up humanity in a second. I think that I would enjoy having been human but staying that way seems counter-productive. So yes, I would happily have my essence uploaded into a computer and downloaded into such avatars as I might find useful. I cannot for the life of me, understand why anyone would not.