And here it is.

And here it is... The terror attack in London which killed 4 people somehow warrants further erosion of your civil liberties.
I think it's worthwhile to note the number of people that die on the roads on any given day in the uk is 4.75 (according to
If the government really cared about lives they would be pushing autonomous cars to save the other 1700+ lives per year. However they are hell bent on being able to intercept every single communique without warrant and with no particular target.
By putting backdoors in encryption you make everything less safe.
Who would trust banking, or any secure connection if some parties could man in the middle it. If there are back doors, sooner or later control of them will leak and everyone will become vulnerable.

As tragic as the London attack was, it highlights several things.
That the UKs ban on guns works. And the lethality of this attack is much much smaller than an average American school shooting.
That you cannot protect against loan wolves. You can't stop people hiring a van and running people over. If someone is sick enough to want to kill people there is always a way and they don't necessarily communicate their intentions before hand.

To reduce road deaths, including vehicular terrorist attacks, you need to ban human drivers and lead the way in self driving cars, not introduce more unacceptable spying caveats.

The UK already has the broadest scope of Investigatory powers of any nation. Do we really need to ensure that all communications are compromised?


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