Robot Swarms Are Colonizing the Lagoon of Venice: We’re ‘Trying to Establish a Robotic Society'

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Robot Swarms Are Colonizing the Lagoon of Venice: We’re ‘Trying to Establish a Robotic Society'

Would you dive into a body of water populated by about 150 robots? That’s what could happen if you were to fall off a “gondola” in the Venice lagoon, where scientists from an initiative of seven European research institutes, are giving birth to the world’s largest population of autonomous robots.

“We’re actually trying to establish a robotic society”, says Thomas Schmickl, head of the artificial intelligence Lab of the Karl-Franzens University of Graz, Austria, which is coordinating the study. “Our robots would not just carry out operations for which they are programmed or trained, but they would also develop social skills, learning how to communicate and interact with other robots, as well as with the surrounding environment.”



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