"Artificial intelligence is keeping this colony of flies alive." "The computer takes care of their needs, giving the...

Originally shared by Wayne Radinsky

"Artificial intelligence is keeping this colony of flies alive." "The computer takes care of their needs, giving the insects water and nutrients in the form of powdered milk and sugar. The flies, of course, are unaware that their ultimate fate depends on whether or not a machine correctly identifies blobs of pixels flitting across a camera -- if it fails, they die."

"At the core of the installation is a type of machine learning software known as 'deep learning,' which essentially trains itself to perform a task: in this case, correctly identifying flies and feeding them. As the flies move across a camera installed in their enclosure, the computer makes its best guess as to what it's looking at, and if it's a fly, a pump releases life-giving water and nutrients for them to sip on."


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