"A deep-learning machine uses MRI scans to determine your brain age." "The method is a standard deep-learning...

Originally shared by Wayne Radinsky

"A deep-learning machine uses MRI scans to determine your brain age." "The method is a standard deep-learning technique. Giovanni Montana at King’s College London and co use MRI brain scans of over 2,000 healthy people between 18 and 90 years old. None had any kind of neurological condition that might influence their brain age. So their brain age should match their chronological age."

"Both deep learning and Gaussian process regression accurately determine the chronological age of patients when given preprocessed data to analyze." "However, deep learning shows its clear superiority when analyzing raw MRI data, where it performs just as well, giving the correct age with a mean error of 4.66 years. By contrast, the standard method of Gaussian process regression performs poorly in this test, giving a rough age with a mean error of almost 12 years."

"What's more, the deep-learning analysis takes just a few seconds compared with the 24 hours of pre-processing required for the standard method."


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