


  1. I've been working on making something similar for pursuing mice in my house: a ton of cheap two-wheel robots that home in on anything warm and annoy/scare mice enough that they find somewhere else to live.

  2. Really? Which robots are you using? Interesting application!

  3. Oh, DIY. Two tiny pager motors to drive the wheels, ATTiny85 brains, a single PIR sensor. The battery's the biggest part. Ideally I'd like to use an esp32 for brains so I could talk to them all with a control application, but I haven't gotten my hands on any.
    I'd love to know what the tiny robots in the picture use for a power source.

  4. I'd love to see a picture of your robots! :)

    The article links to the paper which gives more details and has references, maybe you could find your answer there.


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