SciTech #ScienceSunday Digest - 42/2016.
SciTech #ScienceSunday Digest - 42/2016.
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Posttranslational mutagenesis, Bio-nanopore DNA sequencing, Nanoscale pumps, CRISPR sickle cell, DeepMind deep memory, Omnidirectional stereo video, Nanoscale memory switches, Nanoscale Lego Assembly, Full colour holograms, DNA single electrons.
1. Posttranslational Mutagenesis
The structural and functional capabilities of proteins can be significantly expanded by site-directed mutagenesis (chemical changes) of proteins after expression in the cell and without edits to the genome This work is so recent I don’t think there is a more accessible summary yet apart from this original science article. This represents a new and robust chemical synthesis platform with novel chemistry for controlled modification of protein or amino acid side chains with a genuinely vast range of different chemicals, thus enabling the creation of proteins and enzymes with new and useful properties and functions.
2. Biological Nanopore DNA Sequencing
The latest advancement in DNA sequencing via protein/enzymatic nanopores involves the use of newly engineered proteins, called a sequencing engine, that combine seven protein subunits to create the pore and tether a DNA polymerase enzyme precisely at the opening In this sequencing-by-synthesis approach, (i) the DNA polymerase copies the DNA strand of interest by (ii) incorporating nucleotides into the complementary strand that are each tagged with easily distinguishable (electrically) tag molecules and (iii) passing this synthetic complementary strand through the protein pore in a membrane with a voltage across it. The system now identifies the correct nucleotide 79% - 99% of the time. The group hope to improve accuracy and create multiplexed chips with hundreds of electrically-addressable nanopores for high throughput sequencing.
3. Nanoscale Pumps and Muscles
First, single carbon nanotubes can now be harnessed as an electrostatically driven nanopump, with alternating voltages squeezing and restoring the nanotube; this might be attached to molecular rods and cogs to drive various nanomachine mechanisms. Second, novel interlocked molecular structures quickly switch, expanding and contracting with the addition of zinc, to mimic artificial nanoscale muscles
4. CRISPR Treats Sickle Cell Disease
CRISPR-based gene editing of the mutations responsible for sickle cell disease shows promise in mice In this work hematapoietic stem/progenitor cells with the mutation were isolated and treated with a CRISPR-Cas9 system to efficiently replace the mutation with the correct genetic sequence. When differentiated into erythroblasts the cells increased the production of normal hemoglobin, and when transplanted into mice the cells maintained normal hemoglobin production at levels likely to have clinical benefit. With further refinements such cures should be applicable to a wide range of similar diseases.
5. DeepMind’s Deep Learning Memory Boost
DeepMind has developed a differentiable neural computer that gives the neural networks that power deep learning an external memory for storing information for later use The new system outperforms earlier approaches in path mapping and route-finding; in tests the earlier approaches achieved an average accuracy of 37% compared to 98.8% for the new approach. The architecture of the new deep learning approach is an example of convergent evolution as it resembles how the hippocampus of the brain works. This is believed to be just one of many novel neural learning architectures that are being explored.
6. Omnidirectional Stereo VR Video
Google’s Jump video platform has evolved to produce omnidirectional stereo video for VR video applications This new advance includes sophisticated auto-stitching algorithms to provide seamless video projection that is both panoramic (360) and stereoscopic (3D), so to allow the viewer to not only look in any direction but to see depth and distance cues naturally. This is a very difficult problem to solve and doing so will boost the sense of immersion for those viewing content made with this system; just in time too it seems as VR video consumption looks set to grow exponentially.
7. Nanoscale Memory Switches
First, by firing an electron beam at 50nm wide gold-silver hollow nanorods, silver can be moved around inside the rods to form different structures, which changes how the rods interact with light, which changes the plasmonic properties of the rods Such technology might comprise reconfigurable memory units in future. Second, low energy electric fields can be used switch tiny magnets at picosecond speeds Again, such technology might be used in next generation memory.
8. New Nanoscale Lego Assembly
A novel Lego-like self assembly technique can join together a wide range of different nanomaterials including polymeric particles, metal nanoparticles, metal and polymer nanowires, nanosheets, nanocubes, and biological particles This works by coating the particles in a template of adhesive polyphenol molecules, which then allows the different particles to be assembled into a range of complex 3D structures that can include hybrid materials, hollow microstructures, hierarchically organised particles, and others.
9. Full Colour Holograms with Nanomaterials
Nanometer scale aluminum thin films treated with ion beam milling to create an array of precisely oriented rectangular holes produce a full colour holographic metasurface The surface includes both phase and amplitude modulation that allows the full colour, high resolution, low noise holograms to be produced in almost any design or image desired. Applications include floating 3D displays, imaging, and security surface codes.
10. DNA Single Electron Device
The self assembly properties of DNA can be used to assemble metallic nanoparticles into precise chains that comprise single-electron conduction devices The DNA itself is not conducting electrons in these devices but simply forms the desired scaffold that guides the assembly of the nanoparticles, chains of which were confirmed to conduct electrons one at a time at room temperature, whereas previous approaches had required cryogenic temperatures to work.
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Posttranslational mutagenesis, Bio-nanopore DNA sequencing, Nanoscale pumps, CRISPR sickle cell, DeepMind deep memory, Omnidirectional stereo video, Nanoscale memory switches, Nanoscale Lego Assembly, Full colour holograms, DNA single electrons.
1. Posttranslational Mutagenesis
The structural and functional capabilities of proteins can be significantly expanded by site-directed mutagenesis (chemical changes) of proteins after expression in the cell and without edits to the genome This work is so recent I don’t think there is a more accessible summary yet apart from this original science article. This represents a new and robust chemical synthesis platform with novel chemistry for controlled modification of protein or amino acid side chains with a genuinely vast range of different chemicals, thus enabling the creation of proteins and enzymes with new and useful properties and functions.
2. Biological Nanopore DNA Sequencing
The latest advancement in DNA sequencing via protein/enzymatic nanopores involves the use of newly engineered proteins, called a sequencing engine, that combine seven protein subunits to create the pore and tether a DNA polymerase enzyme precisely at the opening In this sequencing-by-synthesis approach, (i) the DNA polymerase copies the DNA strand of interest by (ii) incorporating nucleotides into the complementary strand that are each tagged with easily distinguishable (electrically) tag molecules and (iii) passing this synthetic complementary strand through the protein pore in a membrane with a voltage across it. The system now identifies the correct nucleotide 79% - 99% of the time. The group hope to improve accuracy and create multiplexed chips with hundreds of electrically-addressable nanopores for high throughput sequencing.
3. Nanoscale Pumps and Muscles
First, single carbon nanotubes can now be harnessed as an electrostatically driven nanopump, with alternating voltages squeezing and restoring the nanotube; this might be attached to molecular rods and cogs to drive various nanomachine mechanisms. Second, novel interlocked molecular structures quickly switch, expanding and contracting with the addition of zinc, to mimic artificial nanoscale muscles
4. CRISPR Treats Sickle Cell Disease
CRISPR-based gene editing of the mutations responsible for sickle cell disease shows promise in mice In this work hematapoietic stem/progenitor cells with the mutation were isolated and treated with a CRISPR-Cas9 system to efficiently replace the mutation with the correct genetic sequence. When differentiated into erythroblasts the cells increased the production of normal hemoglobin, and when transplanted into mice the cells maintained normal hemoglobin production at levels likely to have clinical benefit. With further refinements such cures should be applicable to a wide range of similar diseases.
5. DeepMind’s Deep Learning Memory Boost
DeepMind has developed a differentiable neural computer that gives the neural networks that power deep learning an external memory for storing information for later use The new system outperforms earlier approaches in path mapping and route-finding; in tests the earlier approaches achieved an average accuracy of 37% compared to 98.8% for the new approach. The architecture of the new deep learning approach is an example of convergent evolution as it resembles how the hippocampus of the brain works. This is believed to be just one of many novel neural learning architectures that are being explored.
6. Omnidirectional Stereo VR Video
Google’s Jump video platform has evolved to produce omnidirectional stereo video for VR video applications This new advance includes sophisticated auto-stitching algorithms to provide seamless video projection that is both panoramic (360) and stereoscopic (3D), so to allow the viewer to not only look in any direction but to see depth and distance cues naturally. This is a very difficult problem to solve and doing so will boost the sense of immersion for those viewing content made with this system; just in time too it seems as VR video consumption looks set to grow exponentially.
7. Nanoscale Memory Switches
First, by firing an electron beam at 50nm wide gold-silver hollow nanorods, silver can be moved around inside the rods to form different structures, which changes how the rods interact with light, which changes the plasmonic properties of the rods Such technology might comprise reconfigurable memory units in future. Second, low energy electric fields can be used switch tiny magnets at picosecond speeds Again, such technology might be used in next generation memory.
8. New Nanoscale Lego Assembly
A novel Lego-like self assembly technique can join together a wide range of different nanomaterials including polymeric particles, metal nanoparticles, metal and polymer nanowires, nanosheets, nanocubes, and biological particles This works by coating the particles in a template of adhesive polyphenol molecules, which then allows the different particles to be assembled into a range of complex 3D structures that can include hybrid materials, hollow microstructures, hierarchically organised particles, and others.
9. Full Colour Holograms with Nanomaterials
Nanometer scale aluminum thin films treated with ion beam milling to create an array of precisely oriented rectangular holes produce a full colour holographic metasurface The surface includes both phase and amplitude modulation that allows the full colour, high resolution, low noise holograms to be produced in almost any design or image desired. Applications include floating 3D displays, imaging, and security surface codes.
10. DNA Single Electron Device
The self assembly properties of DNA can be used to assemble metallic nanoparticles into precise chains that comprise single-electron conduction devices The DNA itself is not conducting electrons in these devices but simply forms the desired scaffold that guides the assembly of the nanoparticles, chains of which were confirmed to conduct electrons one at a time at room temperature, whereas previous approaches had required cryogenic temperatures to work.
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