Implant Allows Locked In ALS Patient to Operate Speech Computer With Her Brain

Originally shared by Neuroscience News

Implant Allows Locked In ALS Patient to Operate Speech Computer With Her Brain

UMC Utrecht researchers have placed a brain implantinto a paralyzed ALS patient, enabling her to operate a speech computer with her mind. The researchers and the patient worked intensively to get the settings right. She can now communicate at home with her family and caregivers via the implant. That a patient can use this technique at home is unique in the world.

The research is in NEJM. (full open access)


  1. The struggle of having this disease is horrific... watching a loved one suffer, while you feel the most extreme helplessness, is an experience that you never forget. This is an amazing opportunity to connect and communicate with them that will be cherished by many family and friends. But, more importantly the patient it will be a Godsend!


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